Chapter 71

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Every inch of Caleb's body is wrapped around mine when I wake up, his stomach pressing against my back and his thigh hooked over my hip. It's like he's trying to keep me from leaving, his sleep state desperate to hold me tight.

I love it, and I smile into my pillow as I realize I can finally feel our bond.

My body practically vibrates where it touches his, comforting tingles spreading across every inch of me. It feels incredible after having to go all day yesterday without, and I wiggle back into Caleb's chest with a content sigh.

He breathes into my hair, and his arm loops around my waist in a tight squeeze. His hips press against my butt, bringing attention to the hard length against me. I half expect him to roll over me and sink inside as I know he loves to do, but he refrains.

I'm a bit sore from last night, so I'm not complaining.

"Morning," Caleb says.

His voice is rough with sleep, making me shiver. I'll never tire of this, and I can't help but smile when he hooks his leg even further over my hip. His thigh is heavy, weighing me into the mattress, but I don't mind.

"Morning," I whisper. "How'd you sleep?"

Caleb gives me a tight squeeze.

"This was the best sleep I've had in weeks," he admits. "You smell like me, like my cum, and it pleases my wolf."

As if to prove his point, Caleb buries his nose into the back of my neck and inhales.

"Caleb!" I snort, wiggling away.

I feel his lips curling against my skin before he kisses the base of my neck and pulls back.

"Did they wake you up?" he asks, chaining the subject.

What? I trail my fingers over his forearm, enjoying the tingles, before spinning around. Caleb smiles as I turn to face him, and I can't help but let out a small gasp as I take in his eye. It looks so much better, the swelling gone and the bruising healed to a light yellow, and I gently pull his eyelids apart to see better.

"Ev," Caleb groans, swatting me away. "Stop that."

I snicker, releasing him.

He's feeling better, alright.

Caleb rolls onto his back, bringing me with him. I let him maneuver me however he wants, and I'm more than content as he urges me to lay sprawled over his chest.

He smells so good, and I take a moment to enjoy it before lifting my head and kissing him. His lips mold around my own, and when his hand travels down my backside, I take great pleasure in pulling back and swatting him away.

Two can play at that game.

"Did who wake me up?" I ask, nestling my face into his armpit.

"Cole, Sash, and Adam," Caleb answers.

I stiffen, his words taking a second to register. Why on earth would they have woken me up?

Are they outside? Plenty of wolves lingered around the house yesterday, monitoring to ensure there was no danger from HPAW, but they're quiet. Other than the occasional rustling and rare howl, I couldn't hear them.

I pause, taking a moment to listen. I expect to hear knocking at the front door or some howling outside, but instead, I'm met with something significantly worse.

The clanging of dishes downstairs.

"Oh, my god," I gasp, jolting away from Caleb. "How long have they been here?"

Land of WolvesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora