Chapter 22

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Caleb refuses to speak the entire drive home, the man entirely silent.

I don't speak either, unsure what I could possibly say to help this situation.

There isn't anything to say.

I've betrayed the wolves, and I've failed HPAW. There's nothing for me now. I've been taught my entire life that I am the Alpha's mate and it's my duty to bring him and the wolves down.

I have no education, no hobbies, nothing but my specific purpose.

Wolves step onto the road as we drive through the pack, their ears perked as they sniff the air and peer at us through the windows. I can't tell how much they can see through the tinted windows, but hopefully Caleb's driving fast enough that they don't get a clear picture.

I'm sure it's not a pretty one.

Sash sits on his front porch when we pull into the driveway, her posture tense. Caleb waves his arm, and, with a jerk of her head, she shifts and disappears into the trees.

He kills the car engine, and we sit silently for a moment before he gets out and slams the door shut. Caleb almost always runs around the car and carries me inside, the man loudly declaring that he won't let my feet get cold, but he walks straight to his house this time.

I watch before following him inside.

Goosebumps pebble up along my skin the second I push open the car door, and I rush to get into the house before the cold settles in my bones. It felt like it took me hours to warm up the first time.

Caleb leaves the front door open, but he's nowhere to be seen when I finally make it inside. I hear him stomping up the stairs, and I close the door and kick off my oversized knockoff crocs before following him.

I'm not sure what to do.

Caleb heads into our bedroom. I pause at the top of the stairs, debating whether I should continue. Does he even want me to? Probably not.

I pick at the skin of my fingers as I rock back on my heels, my thoughts pulling me in a thousand different directions. Stepping forward, I make my decision.

The bedroom door is open, and I feel my breath catch when I round the corner and see all the blood. There's so much of it, and the bed sheets are soaked through. There's a decent amount on the floor, too.

Wrapping my arms around my waist, I spin and look at the bloody handprint on the end table. It's smeared and drags toward the wall.

Caleb was struggling to stand.

It's hard to see, and it has guilt amplifying to unhealthy amounts.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

Caleb pauses, his entire body stiffening before he rips open our closet door and begins grabbing my things. I stand out of his way as he carries them through the bedroom and into the guest one down the hall.

"It'll take a few days to get an apartment furnished. You'll stay in the guest room until it's ready," he says, barely sparing me a glance.

I clear my throat.


Caleb continues moving my things, and things fall silent between us again.

I didn't realize just how many items he'd bought me over these past few months, and it takes him many trips before he's finished. He moves to the bathroom next, grabbing my soaps and bringing them into the hallway bathroom.

He doesn't need to tell me that's the one I'll be using from now on.

I've gotten the hint.

I clasp my hands together before realizing that action makes the dried blood flake and fall to the floor. It's disgusting, and I feel my hatred for myself grow as I look down at watch it land on the ground.

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