Chapter 42

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I pull the phone away from my ear before sighing and bringing it back.

"Hello?" I ask again.

I'm met with nothing more than the sound of crackling. It's loud, and I glance at my screen one more time before realizing that Caleb has butt dialed me. He's never done that before, at least not that I know of, and my lips curl into a small smile as I shake my head and hang up.

He will be pissed when he sees this later.

I set my phone on the coffee table and stare at it for a few minutes, waiting for Caleb to call me back, but when he doesn't, I turn off my TV and pick up my book. I suppose I could call him, but I wouldn't know what to say.

It's probably for the best that we didn't speak.

Despite knowing that, my eyes dart toward my phone what feels like every ten seconds. It's impossible to focus, and I find myself working through imaginary conversations that we'll likely never have.

Something is seriously wrong with me.

An hour passes before I force myself into the bathroom. I pointedly leave my phone in the living room as I draw myself a bath, and it takes every bit of willpower I have not to run naked across my apartment and grab it.

It's on silent so I won't know if Caleb calls, and that knowledge only worsens my anxiety. I undress and sink into the tub. My muscles don't relax nearly as much as I'd like them to, and I stare at my stubby toes sticking out of the water before reaching for my book.

I'm determined to finish the damn thing, and I urge myself to focus on the words as I soak in the tub.

It doesn't work, and every few seconds I find myself pausing and listening to see if I can hear any vibrations from my phone.

I know it's too far away to hear anything, but I find myself doing it anyway.

I'm pathetic.

Caleb is living in my mind rent-free, and I'm horrible at trying to stop it. It's impossible.

I find myself skimming through the second half of my book. It ends the way I expect it to, with the couple finally having the conversation they should have had within the first thirty pages, and I drop it onto the ground before groaning and stepping out of the tub.

I'll take one quick look. That's never hurt anybody.

Wrapping a towel around my torso, I hug it to my chest as I hurry out of my bathroom and into the living room. The tub drains loudly behind me, and I just about eat shit as my slippery, wet feet slide across the wood flooring.

I manage to make it to my phone in one piece, though, and I'm pretty sure I'm only seconds away from fainting as I turn it over and see Caleb's missed call and voicemail. I'd be embarrassed if anybody saw how frantically I make my way to the voicemail, and I tug my towel tighter around my chest as I hit play and bring my phone to my ear.

"Hey, Ev," Caleb starts. He pauses and clears his throat before continuing. "I accidentally butt-dialed you earlier today, and I see that you answered. I'm really hoping to talk to you, but it seems I've caught you at a bad time.

There's another awkward pause, and I shift my weight from foot to foot as I listen to some clanging in the background. What's he doing?

"I'm leaving work in a few minutes, and I'm going to stop by your apartment on the way home. Feel free to text me not to come if that's too much. I won't be offended."


I pull my phone away from my ear and check the time.


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