Chapter 32

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Caleb walks like a man on a mission, his pace fast as he grabs my hand and leads me straight to reception. His conversation with the person behind the desk is about as curt as yesterday, and I'm being led into an empty room within seconds.

"You're wasting the doctor's time," I say for what is probably the fifth or sixth time.

Caleb gives my hand a tight squeeze before finally letting go when I move to the bed in the center of the room. I take a seat, again crinkling at the sound and feel of the cheap plasticky paper below me.

"Isn't it painful to have your dick rub against your pants?" I ask, glancing at his crotch.

I know he's not wearing underwear, and I can't imagine the zipper is very comfortable against his bare skin. Caleb shifts before huffing out a laugh and shaking his head.

"I wouldn't say it's comfortable," he admits.

I thought so.

We sit in relatively comfortable silence for a few minutes, and Caleb taps his feet impatiently against the ground while we wait. My head still feels fine, and I pull out my phone and play aimlessly with it while Caleb taps hurriedly on his.

I wonder who he's talking to, probably Cole or Sash, but I don't ask.

He still doesn't trust me, and I don't want to make myself look suspicious by asking.

"Shit," Caleb abruptly says, startling me. "I need to make a quick phone call. I'll be right back."

He's out the door a second later, and I stare in shock at his retreating form. Okay, then?

I shift on the crinkly hospital bed and look around the room. It's pretty clean and well-kept despite hardly ever being used, and even the medical posters hung on the cupboards seem relatively up-to-date.

I wonder if wolf children need vaccines as humans do. Probably not, but I'm sure it doesn't hurt to give them, anyway.

Caleb's presence is a comfort, and I feel my anxiety begin to rise as I wait for him or the doctor to come on in. The doctor was here almost immediately yesterday, but today it seems he's a bit busy. I don't mind the wait.

I'm willing to bet he rushed here yesterday after hearing that Caleb was waiting for him, but now that he knows how much of a non-issue the issue is, he's not in a hurry.

I'd do the same thing if I were in his position. Caleb is being dramatic about my concussion.

The door groans as it's pushed open, and I look up just as two women walk into the room. They're dressed in matching scrubs, and they pause momentarily as they take notice of me. I set my phone in my lap and look up at them, assuming they're here to look at my head.

"What are you doing here?" the one who entered first sneers.

She's shorter than her counterpart and holds a small tray of supplies. The one behind her has a pile of folded hospital gowns in her arms.

I clear my throat and glance anxiously at the door. Where did Caleb disappear to?

"I hit my head yesterday. The doctor said I have a mild concussion, and Alpha Caleb wants it to be rechecked," I say, careful to use his title.

The women sigh as if my presence here is their biggest inconvenience. Still, I pretend I don't notice their glares as I clear my throat and offer a weak smile. Kill them with kindness.

"We're here to restock the room," the taller woman, Jan—if her name tag is correct—says. "We'll be out in a minute."

I nod and glance at the chest of the shorter woman. Her name tag reads Gabby.

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