Chapter 4

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My pain is just starting to return when Caleb finally rolls to a stop, and I turn to peer at him as he rushes out of the car and pulls open the back door.

Thankfully he didn't show any concerns over my story, and I was able to sleep for most of the car ride and avoid any questions he may have. I thought it'd be hard to relax enough around him that I could actually doze off, and am a little uncomfortable with how easy it was.

His presence is calming, soothing my body and thoughts in a way I didn't think would ever be possible around a wolf.

I'm still a bit groggy, and use my good arm to push myself into a sitting position. It hurts, and Caleb rushes to stop me before I make it too far.

"Let me help you," he urges, pulling the bed toward him and taking hold of me as he's done every time I need to move somewhere.

I know he can't carry me around forever, but I don't want to draw any odd attention to myself by rejecting him. He needs to believe I've fallen entirely for the bond.

"I'll give you some more medication once we get inside," he says, catching the slight wince when I'm lifted from the bed. "I had the house cleared so it'll just be you and me."

My arm wraps around his neck to hold him tight as he shuts the door and turns toward the large house we've pulled up to.

It's beautiful, and not at all what I expected. Floor-to-ceiling windows span the entirety of the building, the tint on them reflecting an image of the woods surrounding us. It makes the house blend in, and I stare in awe as he pushes open the front door and carries me inside.

The interior is modern, the furniture and color scheme what I'd expect from a wealthy human home. I thought the wolves would have lived in more natural places, rustic cabins with old, used appliances. There's a bit of that in here, a few pieces that look passed down, but more than anything, it's fresh and clean.

"You have a beautiful home," I compliment.

Caleb's cheeks turn a light shade of pink, and my heart races in response to it. Why's he blushing?

"I asked the females in the pack to design it for my mate, for you," he admits, shifting to carry me up the stairs. "They teased me about it for weeks, but I think it turned out well."

I purse my lips, struggling to contain my emotions. This fucking bond is killing me, throwing my feelings all out of wack. I don't want Caleb, and I can't let his kind actions and strong arms be a distraction.

"I'm happy you're pleased by it," he continues, glancing at me with a breathtaking smile.

It takes everything in me to look away. It hasn't even been a full day and already he's getting to me. The only positive to this is that I seem to be doing something similar to him. There've been no comments or complaints about me being a human, not by him or any of the wolves we've interacted with, which is good.

He also doesn't seem to have any concerns with my story. He asked several questions about the appearance of my captors and if I knew anything about the people he believes kidnapped me, but I was careful to give just enough detail that it's believable while also ensuring he won't be able to do too much with the information.

"Is it okay if I bring you to my room? There's a spare I can put you up in, but I'd rather you be in mine. I promise not to be creepy and try to sleep in there with you or anything," Caleb asks, pausing as we reach the top of the stairs.

I'd rather die than fall asleep each night with his arms around me, but a girl who had her home broken into and kidnapped while she was in bed would probably be pretty scared to sleep alone. She'd want Caleb around, the safety he provides comforting. Not to mention the bond screaming at me to say yes.

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