Chapter 48

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Lin Qu smiled, not wanting to bring his troubles to him: "No big problem, just wait a while, let's eat first."

There were many people sitting on the table at this moment, and it was indeed not the time for a formal conversation, so Xu Qiu stopped asking questions for the time being.

After eating and drinking enough, everyone rested for a while, and then went to another place. They are not the only ones who are going to kill pigs today.

The two pigs of Xu Qiu's family were killed in the morning, and it was time to kill another family in the afternoon, and everyone was going to help.

Xu Qiu and the others had to go a little late, after all, they had just killed the pig, and they had to clean up again, whether it was the storage of the pork or the mess on the ground.

There is no way for the Xu family to bring so much pork to the town. Even if there are many people in the family, they can't finish it in a while. But Xu Qiu doesn't need to worry about it, his mother has already agreed with Lin Qu's parents, just take some of it, and put the rest here, after Lin Qu's parents smoked them, it will be convenient for storage , Sending them to the town.

Of course, the Xu family is not short-hearted, so they will not let them do things for nothing.

Because it is estimated that even if they let Lin Qu's parents eat the meat casually, the honest couple will not move a bite, so when they came back this time, Mrs. Li bought a lot of things for Lin Qu's parents.

In this way, Lin Qu's parents will never send back what they bought.

They are all practical, which can not only represent the heart, but also conform to the life of Lin Qu's parents.

A group of people worked together, and soon got busy with things. After marinating the meat at home, hanging it on a high place and smoking it, Li Shi and Lin Qu's parents went to the afternoon again. Help the family that should kill the pig. As juniors, Xu Qiu and Lin Qu don't need to be so troublesome.

Most of them used to play together and join in the fun.

Every household is like this every year.

The two of them were behind, and no one was seen around, so Xu Qiu took Lin Qu's hand and drew a picture: "By the way, what were you thinking about when we were eating?"

"Huh?" Lin Qu was puzzled, but quickly realized that he wrinkled his face and said directly with some distress: "I'm too slow in making clothes. If I open a shop like this, I don't have much confidence in my heart."

Even if he knew that he was talented, Lin Qu would always doubt it.

With his speed, would anyone really be willing to spend so long waiting for him to finish the clothes?

Originally, Lin Qu was strong and independent. He always wanted to gain a foothold on his own, but after marrying into Xu's family, his strong spirit was suddenly removed. After all, Xu Qiu has always been the best person in his mind, and the other party deserves better, not someone like him who has nothing.

And the rest of the Xu family also treated him very well, the more so, the more he doubted whether he was worthy or not.

I am very diligent at home, always thinking about doing more things to make myself more valuable.

But the Xu family had little work, and it was very easy, Lin Qu felt a little at a loss.

There was so little he could do.

And with the opening of Xu Qiu's medical clinic, the business gradually improved. He knew how effective the other party's medicine was. A lot of money. The more capable Xu Qiu was, the more terrified he was.

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