Chapter 26

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At first Xu Qiu just walked quickly with the child in his arms, but unconsciously he walked faster and faster, and finally started to run directly.



When Mrs. Zhao asked Lin Qiong to wash clothes by the river, Lin Qu happened to be at home.

He signaled his two younger brothers to act according to the plan, and he also went to pack a basin of clothes and prepare to go to the river to wash them.

This is the first time Lin Qiong asked him to wash clothes since he was a child, but he was not unwilling, so he agreed naturally: "Okay, Mom, if you and Dad have anything to wash, I will also take it together." Just bring it to me."

It's not that Lin Qiong never washed clothes in his previous life, this is not a difficult task for him.

What's more, no one asked him to do any work every day, and he had a lot of time.

Mrs. Zhao smiled, "My brother Qiong is still filial." She went into the house to look for two, after all, there are many people washing clothes by the river, so that people can see how filial her brother Qiong is.

Lin Qu set off first, and Lin Qiong and Zhao Shi left later. Zhao Shi followed because she was afraid that her son would not be able to wash. After all, if she didn't go, how could she guarantee that her son would fall into the water.

When Zhao Shi and Lin Qiong arrived at the river, Lin Qu had already squatted in one place and started washing clothes.

Lin Qiong didn't notice this, he found a vacant seat and squatted down, and Mrs. Zhao also pointed out to him from time to time beside him. There is nothing to say about the skills of washing clothes. After Mrs. Zhao finished speaking, she stood up and went to the back, for a long while She didn't speak, and Lin Qiong didn't pay attention, just thought she was leaving.

Standing behind Lin Qiong, Mrs. Zhao looked around, not paying attention to other people washing clothes by the river.

She stretched out her hand and pushed Lin Qiong out.

Lin Qiong only felt a strong push from behind, he screamed, and his whole body fell sideways, only to hear a plop, and fell into the river.

Suddenly, the riverside became lively.

"Overboard, someone overboard."

"Which of you can swim?"

Everyone ran over here at once, but before they got together, they saw Lin Qiong in the river, stretched out her hand, and pulled Lin Qu who was squatting by the side to wash clothes.

Everyone was shocked.

Lin Qiong didn't think too much about it, he could feel that he was pushed into the water, and while struggling, he saw Lin Qu squatting by the river, and in an instant, he reacted, In the whole family, the person who hates him the most is probably Lin Qu.

He didn't know what Lin Qu wanted to do, but this didn't prevent him from directly dragging Lin Qu into the water.

There is actually a little distance between Lin Qu and Lin Qiong's washing clothes, but when Mrs. Zhao couldn't stand the push, Lin Qiong fell obliquely in his direction, and when he was struggling, he moved, and he was there all at once. He came forward. He is still hesitating, the prince hasn't come yet, and this person is in front of his eyes, too close to the shore, and now there are so many people watching, if he doesn't pull people up, others will inevitably have some ideas.

If he let his grandma hear that he is desperate for help.

Then I'm afraid he won't be able to get away so easily. Even if this is a scheme by Mrs. Zhao and the others, in Mrs. Lin's view, it's his fault that he can't be saved.

Husband dressed as a control group [Wear Books]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora