Chapter 42

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It is terrible to lose money when people die, but what is even more terrible is to lose money when people are alive.

Especially the wealth in their hands came by accident.

After losing it, it is almost impossible to have it by one's own ability.

When the woman heard Xu Qiu's words, she couldn't help but screamed: "What? A few hundred taels?"

The sound directly split the air.

It's not necessary for her to deliberately pretend to have a loud voice to attract people, the treble will come naturally.

A few hundred taels is not a small amount. Because of the family's drama before, everyone's attention is sometimes focused here. Now that the hundreds of taels are released, they can no longer leave their eyes.

The woman still couldn't catch her breath, she wasn't gentle in nature, she just pretended to be polite and enthusiastic because she wanted to plot against the old doctor and Xu Qiu. At this moment, I couldn't pretend at all, and shouted loudly: "How could it be possible to spend a few hundred taels for a doctor? The old doctor never said that it would cost so much before. Little Doctor Xu, don't you think so?" Want to trick us?"

"It's not easy for you to open a medical clinic, but don't just rely on us to love your son and ask for a lot of money."

Xu Qiu thought to himself, the guess is really accurate, you are the one who cheated.

He said: "This is not asking for a price, your disease..."

The woman breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that Xu Qiu would directly tell the specifics of the disease.

Fortunately, Xu Qiu paused for a moment, and said: "It has been delayed for so long, and it has become more serious. The various medicinal materials that need to be used are more precious. Besides, the prices of the things sold in my medical center are relatively high. , and they are all very effective medicines, so this is the price for you."

The woman was still unwilling, "Whatever you say, didn't a few hundred taels kill our family? We are all poor people, where can we find a few hundred taels?"

Xu Qiu smiled slightly, but still did not flinch, and only said lightly: "That's your problem."

The woman choked, but she never expected that Xu Qiu would not be affected by these words at all. As a doctor, he was not benevolent at all.

In front of so many onlookers, of course he said such ruthless words.

Isn't he afraid that no one will come to see a doctor again?

Xu Qiu was really not afraid, he didn't intend to take the route of an ordinary doctor. For him, if he needed to come to him for treatment of various ordinary ailments, he didn't want to waste time on it. He just wants to sell some finished pills, and see some patients occasionally.

For some common diseases, he doesn't mind these people going to other medical clinics.

As for those who suffered from some serious illness, if they were really poor, he certainly would not hesitate to give them a low price, because he didn't want these people to go bankrupt just because of seeing a doctor.

His main purpose is to cure diseases, not to make money.

Of course, making money is part of it, after all, you have to live. If his things work well, people will naturally buy them. Those who can afford them don't care if his attitude is indifferent, as long as things work, it's the best.

Since opening the clinic, he has earned a lot.

The Zhou family was stunned by Xu Qiu's attitude, the woman barely restrained her anger, and said in a staggered way again: "Since this is the case, then we'd better go to little doctor Xu's master to have a look. , the old doctor was going to prescribe medicine for our family Zhou Peng before."

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