Chapter 23

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Xu Qiu sized up the medical building. Once he entered, the light was quite bright. It was a large spacious room with a small room next to it.

There is another door in the back.

Needless to say, this spacious and big room, when the time comes, there will be a row of cabinets on the wall, just enough to store his medicines. As for the small room next to it, Xu Qiu thought, maybe he could transform it into a study for him, where he could read and write at ordinary times.

Just staying in the front, if someone is seriously ill, he can also see a doctor and prescribe medicine.

If his mother is not sure, it is convenient to find him.

Go in through the door at the back, and there is a small courtyard inside.

The entire medical hall is a place where you can do business in the front and live and rest in the back.

There is nothing lacking in the small yard. There are three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a utility room. There is also a well in the yard, which can be said to be more convenient.

Such a place is indeed good, but it would still be a little crowded if they live in a family of five, Xu Qiu faintly realized something.

Sure enough, he heard his father say: "This place, you and your mother can live in the back during the lunch break, we all eat here at noon, and save running back and forth between the houses on both sides, you have to see a doctor, It's not easy to leave the medical center at noon. And you are not young at this age, when you get married in the future, this place can be just right for your young couple to live in."

"As for the place where we all live, I chose another house. After we have selected your medical center, we will go and see there."

Before Xu Qiu also knew that he wanted to buy two houses, a hospital and a residence, but he didn't expect his father to buy him such a good one, with a small yard and a well in the back. The price of this location is not low.

He hesitated and said, "But elder brother and second elder brother..."

He bought it, but his elder brother and second brother were older than him, so he didn't buy anything.

Father Xu waved his hand: "They are them. If they have the ability to earn their own money, we as parents can support them a little bit. Most of your medical clinics are bought with your money, so don't worry about them. And your eldest brother Brother is not someone who cares about these things."

After all, the money for his medicine hasn't come down yet.

But Xu Qiu had already agreed with his parents that there is no need to give the money to him, and it is good to just leave it in the hands of his parents and use it casually. Means nothing.

What's more, he is in poor health, and his parents have worried him since he was a child, and his two elder brothers let him in. He actually doesn't mind that he can support the whole family, although his family has no intention of asking him to support them.

Seeing that his father had already made up his mind, Xu Qiu didn't say anything else. He thought, when the clinic earns more money in the future, the family will naturally have a better life, and he doesn't have to care who buys it first.

I checked the inside and outside of the medical center, and the whole family is quite satisfied, so it's decided for the time being, but it's their family's residence.

The middleman got this set, and happily led them to see the house.

The house is not very close to the medical center, there is a certain distance. Compared with the medical center, the location here is obviously where ordinary people live. They entered an alley, and then came to the door of a house. The middleman opened them and let them in: "This house is the biggest one in your alley. It is spacious. You have a lot of people, so it is just right for you to live in."

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