Chapter 35

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Another two days passed, and soon it was time for Sanchao to return home.

Mrs. Li prepared gifts for them early on, bought a lot of pastries from the town to eat, and brought them back for them in the morning. They are all from the same village, and they arrived at Lin Laoer's house in a while.

The two children were the first to see them, rushed over and hugged Lin Qu's leg, shouting for brother.

He also said aggrievedly: "We wanted to go to you before, but mother didn't allow us to go."

It's so close, you can see it if you want to.

Wang's main reason was that she didn't want to disturb the Xu family in the first three days, for fear that the Xu family would have objections to Lin Qu.

Lin Qu touched the heads one by one: "Okay, big brother brought you some delicious food, do you want to eat?"

"Yes." The two children agreed loudly.

Wang Shi and Lin Guangfu had been waiting for a long time. Seeing them coming, they hurriedly took their things and put them down: "It will be fine when you come back, you don't need to bring so many things."

Neither Wang nor Lin Guangfu could talk, so Xu Qiu could only find a topic by himself: "Will Dad go hunting in the mountains in the future?"

Lin Guangfu can talk about this topic: "I won't go, I have prepared the dowry for Brother Qu, and I have left some money at home, so I won't go to the mountains. It's also very dangerous up there. You are young, so don't go there , in case something happens, it will be too late to regret it."

"Yeah." Xu Qiu nodded with a smile, without breaking up with Lin Guangfu: "It's right not to go, if Dad goes in the future, please call me along."

They chatted and stayed at Lin's house for dinner at noon, and they didn't go back until the afternoon.

After they went back, they stopped delaying their move to the town. The next day, they hired a carriage to move their things to the town. After several trips, they finally took all the things they wanted to move away. Xu Qiu and Lin Qu also had a room in the family's big house, so they brought things there this time and put them there directly.

In a two-story house, he and Lin Qu live on the upper floor.

And it's still the house next to the river.

It can be said that the scenery is very good.

Of course, all the rooms on the second floor of their entire house have a good view. After all, they are all by the river, and they can still see it when they open the windows.

He didn't choose this room, because there was a residence over there in the medical center, so Xu Qiu asked his family members to choose the room first, and then it was enough to reserve a room for him in the end. It's not that he insists on occupying a room here, but neither Mrs. Li nor Father Xu intends to let him move out to live alone with Lin Qu right now.

There are three rooms on the second floor, and it is reasonable for the three brothers to live there, but his eldest brother does not live on the second floor, but lives with his parents below.

He and his second brother lived on the second floor, and there was an empty room in the middle.

Xu Qiu and Lin Qu moved their things into the house, Xu Qiu briefly told him which house everyone lived in, and then said: "This room has better light, so the eldest brother and the second brother gave it to me. It's easier for me to read."

"Most of the time, if there are no special circumstances, we will live here with everyone. In the future, when the eldest brother and the second brother get married, we may be able to move to the hospital. But this time is not certain, If I pass fast in my studies and imperial examinations, we can go to other places together at that time."

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