JiHan -> Back to me

Start from the beginning


( A few months later )

The members are forced to shoot an episode of Going Seventeen, everyone is depressed, they don't want to be there, Jeonghan is the most depressed.

" Joshua come back to me ! Please, i need you. " Says the black-haired man

The boy has been repeating this over and over since the American left. Tears keep streaming down their faces. Jeonghan sighs and looks towards Chan and Seungcheol, who are in each other's arms, the younger crying silently.
The black-haired man looks for Jun, who doesn't seem to be there, and Minghao isn't there either.

" Coups, where are Jun and Hao ? "

" Jun doesn't come out of his room anymore and Hao stays with him."

" Shua ! Come back to us ! Come back to me "

" It's not by repeating it all the time that it will change anything Jeonghan hyung. " Vernon said, on the verge of tears.

Jeonghan sighs and runs a hand through his hair, he decides to leave the Going shoot and get some fresh air, he walks out of the agency and comes across ...

" Joshua ! I'm not dreaming ?! "

" No, you're not dreaming Jeonghan. I'm back. "

The eldest doesn't hesitate for a second, coming to take his youngest in his arms and hugging him with all his might.
He places many kisses on his youngest's neck, and cries. Joshua cries too.

" Don't you dare leave me again ! Your back to us and especially your come back to me ! Please stay with me now, don't leave me again."

" I promise never to leave like this again, I've missed the members and I've missed you too. "

" Shua, if we had told our fans we were dating we never would have had to deal with this. "

" Yes I know but the Jeong-"

Joshua doesn't have time to finish his sentence as his eldest lays his lips against his without an ounce of gentleness, Jeonghan's hands are on his cheeks, his hands on Jeonghan's hips. They've missed each other terribly, and it's time to make up for lost time.
Of course, since they're doing this outside, in front of their agency no less, it attracts attention and they feel like they're being photographed, but right now they're feeling so good, they don't care about the repercussions.
Jeonghan pulls away slightly from Joshua, then at the same moment they hear screams, the two boys turn their heads and see their friends, who come jumping at the two lovers without hesitation.
Tears keep rolling down their cheeks, really, their group started at thirteen, it has to end at thirteen, the group without one member means nothing, everyone is enormously important.
No one must leave, everyone must stay, the boys promise to keep an eye on each other, to protect themselves body and soul from potential rumors that could easily destroy both the career of one of the artists and their group.
Sincerely, nothing makes them happier than Joshua's return, they're happy to have him back with them at last, but the American's return makes Jeonghan especially happy. The Korean will make sure to always keep the one he loves by his side and protect him from any problems coming from the outside.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

I wasn't supposed to release this bone, but the situation with Joshua makes me so sad that I felt compelled to create this.

Well, at first I didn't want to talk about it, but since it's getting worse and worse, I decided to do this little text.
So, Joshua is a sweet and lovely person who takes care of others before himself, who loves his members like his own family and who loves his fans more than anything in the world. Why does he receive such gratuitous hate when he's done nothing? Hey, he's a human being, he's almost thirty, he does what he wants with his life, we don't have to interfere, if he's happy, we should be too. Besides, these are just rumors, we don't even know if they're true or not. Even if it's true or not, we don't care, every artist is first and foremost a human being, a human being with feelings, emotions, a body, a heart and a soul, they're not robots destined only to make music and belong only to the fans, they also have the right to have a private and sentimental life alongside their professional life, because that's life, that's the way it is.
So please, leave Joshua in peace and love him as he loves us.

My precious boy <3

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