The Inner Peregrination

Start from the beginning

Trevor stopped his pursuit and looked at her, "Right now?"

She gave him a delicate kiss before pulling away to stand up, holding her hand out to pull him up, "Right now." 

The hunter begrudgingly took her hand before using it to stand up. Hand-in-hand the couple walked from the training yard back into the castle. 

It didn't take them long to find Terena, Greta, and their other two lovers talking about the mysterious entity. 

"Is the creature a threat to us?" The healer asked as she walked into the foyer.

The brunette's eyes widened at her sudden appearance before nodding slowly, "That is the issue. The creature appears to be looking for the town of Belmont."   

"How long have you known about this?" The long-haired blonde questioned with a tilt of his head. 

"Well there has been talk of a rogue sorcerer for weeks but only recently have we been hearing rumors about the mystery person searching for the town of Belmont," Terena explained.

"We need to construct a plan," Sypha looked at the group, "We can not let this person catch us off guard." 

"We should build a stronghold or make a wall around the village," Greta suggested.

The healer shook her head, "It would take months to assemble something like that, and from what I'm hearing we have a few weeks at best."

"We can turn the Belmont library into a stronghold," Trevor suddenly spoke up before turning to look at Alucard, "Blondie installed a new elevator, right? We just need to fortify the entrance again."

Y/N nodded at Trevor, "Good plan." 

"Indeed," Sypha agreed before turning her attention to Greta and Terena, "You two should go back to town and get the townspeople ready to leave. Be vague, we don't want to cause hysteria." 

"The rest of us will work on increasing the security of the Hold and trying to establish some sort of walls for the town," Alucard said. 

The group discussed a few more specifics before they all dispersed to work on their separate tasks.


The healer stood tall as she dragged another piece of ancient hunter equipment to a storage closet  She and Trevor were tasked with making the Belmont Hold, 'human proof', ensuring that the townspeople didn't accidentally kill themselves or each other with the Belmont family's advanced weaponry. 

"Getting tired?" 

Trevor stood behind her, a teasing smile adorning his face. A small smile threatened to come on her face from his little joke, "I do not know why your family has so much junk."

He chuckled as he walked into the room, "Junk that has saved millions of lives."

"Perhaps," she pushed the piece of junk further into the room, "But, this stuff has been collecting dust for decades."

The woman briskly rubbed her hands together, shaking off the accumulated dust on her palms. She then moved to inquire about his progress on fortifying the wall, all while maintaining a steady and direct gaze with him.

"The door is weak," he said. "I tried to reinforce the entrance, but there's only so much you can do with wood and stone." 

"I saw a book somewhere around here about protection spells," she smiled at him, "I should be able to create a new stone door and enchant it."

"Sounds like easy work for someone like you," he grinned. 


Coughs wracked her body and her throat prickled, it felt like she was swallowing glass. 

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