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"Honey?" Daniel called, standing at the entrance of the bedroom. I closed the book I was reading and looked up at him, wanting him to continue. "I think..." he paused and scratched his neck, a nervous habit of him causing me to feel concerned. "I think I want to go back into the music business." he said quickly.

I kept my mouth shut for an instant before realizing I was making him even more nervous by staying silent. I was just surprised by his sudden decision but I guessed it wasn't that sudden. Like I said before, I had seen him working on songs, on his piano and sometimes go out with the boys.

I smiled with the intention of reassuring him. "That's good!" I exclaimed. "Are the rest of the boys okay with it? I mean, Woody just got married and Kyle just had a baby. I'm not against it at all ; I actually expected it. But, don't you think you should wait a little bit? Maybe a couple of years...?" I said hesitantly, afraid I would upset him.

He thoughtfully stared at the ground, holding the door with one hand as if he was anxious to leave. "I guess you're right." he blurted out. "But yes, they all agreed with it. The thing is, we won't go on tour before a long time because we need to settle everything up again and get ready to go back in there."

I nodded, thinking about how life would be with him touring all the time which made my heart ache a little. I knew we needed money but him leaving again? I was scared. But music was what he lived for and I couldn't get in the way of his dream, it would be unfair. I sighed heavily, stood up and walked until I was facing him. "I want the best for you. If it will make you happy then so be it... but." I insisted on the last word and he raised his eyebrow in interrogation. "If you ever feel insecure about anything, talk to me about it. You know I'm here to help." I added. He grinned and kissed my forehead after taking my hands in his.

"Thank you for understanding, it means loads to me."

"I know." I replied. I messed his hair up a little bit and chuckled "You're still nineteen years old to me... You haven't changed a bit. And look at me! I'm getting old." I smiled sadly & he frowned, pursing his lips.

"You're not getting old, you're younger than me! You look perfect, trust me."

I blushed at his words and thanked him.

Later in the day, he showed me and the kids some songs he tried to work on even though he still felt wrong about them, saying they weren't good enough to be released. We all reassured him, being amazed of how good he was on writing songs and playing the piano. I knew he was going to be huge again, I just felt it.

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