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During the next two years nothing really special happened. Daniel was away most of the time on tour and so we'd have some diners or go in town with Chrissy and Janna with our children. It was nice, really. Chrissy was also pregnant, we all congratulated her and hoped that Woody would attend the birth. He said he'd try his best and convince his managers. 

And some months later, she gave birth to a girl who they named Lisa. Thankfully, Woody had been able to be here and so were the rest of the boys which pleased me a lot since I missed Daniel. We all spent some days together especially to take care of Chrissy and be here for her like she was here for us. Seeing Woody and Chrissy be a normal couple again made me genuinely happy. I always said they were perfect for each other. Woody also acted as if nothing ever happened between the both of us and I felt grateful towards him. What saddened me was realizing that we weren't as close as before. He used to be the brother I never had and now he was just a close friend. I missed the old days terribly even though I always asked myself how I used to live without Mia, Dan and Elodie. They were my life, now.

On another side, my father was becoming quite strange. When Daniel wasn't here, he was almost everyday in our house, asking questions about Elodie which frightened me a little bit. He was also becoming weak, he didn't look good at all. I felt guilty for not talking about it to Daniel but I knew he'd be scared and call the police to keep my father away. Dan and Mia weren't that comfortable with him around either, they tried to "warn me" of him but I got rather angry at them. I had the feeling that everyone around me hated my father & it made me quite sad. He was my dad, after all. The man who raised me... I couldn't think of him as a threat. 

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