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The next day, Daniel didn't come back home at all. And this is when I started to feel nostalgic a lot. I missed us, what we were before war took him from me. And this is also when I realized: war had changed him. He wouldn't have done this years ago, he wouldn't have abandoned us. I wanted to feel young and free again, so I went to the hill like we used to go almost every day until things changed, aware that I was leaving my children alone but I trusted Dan and Mia enough to take care of themselves for some hours.

I walked through the familiar fields that lead to the tree and tears began to form in my eyes as I remembered the last we were here, the wedding. I approached the tree and placed my hand on it while staring at the cloudy sky. The cold wind hit my visage and I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of my hair being lifted up by an invisible force. I took a deep breathe and let the atmosphere slowly take me into the past, when everything was a lot easier. 


"Scarlett?!" Daniel called breathless, partly because he was struggling on following me and partly because he was laughing way too much. "Where are you going?"

"Just follow me, you'll see!" I replied, more excited than ever. I kept running forward into the golden fields until I had reached the very end. I stopped and took a moment to observe the wonderful sight of the sun illuminating the hill. The colours were fantastic. I breathed deeply, letting the pure air fill my lungs up. It didn't take long before Daniel joined me. He let himself fall onto the grass which made me burst out laughing. 

"Are we here yet?" he groaned into a muffle voice, still not getting up. I guess he just liked the feeling of the grass against his face. 

"Yes! Come on get up, you're not going to regret it."  as I said this, he lifted his head up a bit to look around him then up at me, getting a huge grin which he gave back. I proposed him my hand to help him to get up which he greatly accepted. Him being way more heavier than me, I couldn't make it and instead of standing him up, I crashed myself on him. "Humpf!" he 'complained'. 

"Daniel, are you alright?" I asked in concern but not able to hold my giggles back. He nodded, joining me in my crazy laughing, and I rolled next to him to lay on my back.

"We just have to climb this hill up." I reassured him "Then I won't ask you anything more... ever!"  I saw him roll his eyes and heard him sigh. "Okay." he agreed. I clapped my hand and jumped on my feet. "The last one up there is a coward!" I yelled, causing him to rush himself to the top of the hill. Of course, he won. "You cheat." I said, crossing my arms.

"How's that?" he questioned.

"You have longer legs."  I replied, making him laugh. "I'm serious! Look at how small my legs are compared to yours!"

"I know." he smiled, letting his heart breaking dimples show. "Anyway, why are we here again?" he teased and I frowned.

"Just look." I simply said, pointing at the sky. I glared at him while he stared at the sky. He seemed amazed, causing my heart to skip a beat. "Isn't it amazing?" I said, not taking my eyes off of him. All he did was nod and take me into his arms.

"I understand why you like it so much." he kissed my forehead "I want to come here and watch the sunset everyday with you."

"Deal." I replied.


I opened my eyes and turned around, expecting to see Daniel behind me like he used to do. But he was nowhere to see. I had to accept it; the past must stay in the past and nothing stays the same, sadly.


Sorry for the crappy chapter. x

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