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I woke up from a tormented sleep. I only had made weird and bad dreams here in his hospital bedroom. It had been three days since the incident happened and I didn't eat anything, didn't leave him a second. I thought I didn't deserve to eat, not until he'd wake up. I didn't feel myself starve at any points, though. Maybe because I was too concentrated on his health? I couldn't tell. Everyone was getting worried about me, even the doctors even if it was useless : Trying to force me to do something I didn't want. "Eat." they ordered and I shook my head, disgusted by the sight of food. "Or you're soon going to get really ill and weak, if you aren't already." I turned my head and pushed the tray away from me. The doctor sighed and gave up. He closed the door and left me with Daniel. I looked at him. He wasn't as pale as when he first got there. He seemed a bit healthier, but not totally. They made sure they changed his bandages regularly even though it looked like it was getting better, which made me a little happier. However, the doctors told me that the scars will always be there since he had deeply opened his wrists. And I was the only one to blame. "I'm sorry." I mumbled. "So sorry, for everything." I didn't know why I started talking. I suppose I needed to get all these thoughts out. I was aware that he couldn't hear me, but I still talked.

"I need you to wake up, even if you will hate me for the rest of your life. I just need you to be alive and awake, do you understand? All I ever wanted was for you to be okay and happy. I truly didn't want this to happen at all, please believe me... Will you forgive Woody if not me? Please. Don't let your bestfriend down because of a worthless person also known as me. I need you to..." I paused because the next thing was quite hard for me to say, to ask. "I need you to promise me. I need you to promise me you'll be alright. I can go, I can run away, I can disappear for you if it would make you happy." I stared at my feet. "Maybe it's for the best, after all. Maybe if I disappear and leave you the children, you will forget me and forget the pain I caused you." I closed my eyes and a tear fell down my cheek. I took my bag and got up, willing to do as I chose. Determined to be the forgotten darkness in a bright memory. I walked to the door and stopped in front of it. I stood for a moment and took a last look at him. "I love you." were my final words. I began to open the door when I heard a weak voice: "Scarlett. I love you too." I turned to him, in shock. I gasped and felt hot tears forming in my eyes. Tears of happiness. I ran to him and practically jumped in his arms but still being very careful not to hurt him. I cried in his neck as he slowly rubbed my back. He gently shushed me and I calmed down a bit. I broke the hug and we stared at each other in silent.

"Listen to me." He said in a tired voice "I will never hate you. Ever. You are my life, Scarlett. My reason to live..." he looked at his arms and sighed, closing his eyes. "I am so ashamed for what I did. I didn't think, I just acted. I thought I had lost you and your love. I spent so much time away from you that I always thought it would happen. That you'd find another man, better than me, who wouldn't leave you with two children to take care on your own. Don't... don't go. I also need you, I need every little parts of you, everything. You complete me." he glared at me and I tenderly looked at him. He carried on : "My heart is yours, Scarlett. You can do whatever you want with it. You can break it, destroy it, I will forever feel the flames burning inside of me like the day I met you, if not harder."

"I'm so sorry. If only I could change the past, Daniel..."

He shook his head "But you can't. What is done is done, and I think we should leave this all behind. If you're willing to, of course. And I promise." he looked straight into my eyes. "I promise I will be alright." he smiled slightly but enough to let his dimples appear, warming my heart up.

I nodded, not believing what I had just heard. He wanted to forgive me, after all of this ?

It didn't take long before the doctors came in and took care of him. He was really tired and I felt bad for making him talk when it was obvious he needed to rest. They made me exit his bedroom and I smiled all the way to the waiting room. Dan and Mia greeted me and I took them in my arms the hardest I could, telling them everything will finally be alright. And for once in a long time, I believed it.


Yey. Ok so I'm glad I found the time to write this! And I hope you liked it.

~ Millie xx

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