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My father had a really hard time accepting her death but didn't we all? Some mornings, I even forgot she was gone and ended up sobbing after I realizing it was real.

Months flew quickly and Summer approached as well. Daniel took good care of Elodie and was being such a good father without, at the same time, forgetting his husband duties.

This day was warm and nice so I sat in the garden to read a book. I had taken my hearing aid off so I was completely concentrating on it. This was my life, my routine. I tried to enjoy it as much as possible, always going out with the children, talking to my friends, my family and try to make everyone happy.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head. It was my father, smiling slightly. I closed my book, put my hearing aid on and invited him on joining me by pointing the chair next to me. He gladly accepted and sat beside me. He stared silently at the garden and sighed.

"You've done so much... Look at the woman you became and the family you built, I couldn't be more proud to have such a good daughter."

I smiled at his words, I wasn't used to receive compliments from him. He was a closed man and never was comfortable with words.

"I suppose it's because you and mother taught me well."

He looked down and sniffed. I instantly felt really bad, upset him wasn't my intention. I apologized, telling him I didn't measure the consequences of my words. He shook his head "No, you don't have to be sorry. Why couldn't you talk about your mother ? We can't forget her like she never existed, like she wasn't important." I nodded, understanding. "I think I've spent enough time here," he said "I should go back home. Thank you for everything, Scarlett."

"You can stay!" I protested, the idea of him being alone scared me.

"I won't." he stood up and placed his hand on my shoulder like earlier. "I can take care of myself... Thank you." and with this, he took the suitcase he had prepared and walked away, heading to his house. It all happened so fast I didn't know how to react. A few seconds after he left, Daniel appeared at the front door.

"Do you know why he left?" he asked and crossed his arms, staring at where my dad was earlier.

"He said he could take care of himself, nothing more." I simply replied and got up "I'm just afraid he could do something stupid." I said, walking towards Daniel. When I was close enough, he wrapped his arms around me.

"Your father is strong, he knows the value of life. Trust me, he won't..."

I nodded, wanting to believe him. We heard Elodie cry and we both smiled.

"Time to feed the monster." Daniel joked.

"You're such a child." I responded and made my way to Elodie.

Imagining my father living on his own in this big house made me shiver.

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