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So much things happened in the following months. We all went to Woody and Chrissys wedding and we all cried; Janna gave birth to a wonderful boy who they named Johnny and my dad seemed to get stronger everyday. I wrote another book and my publisher said it was 'amazing' and got it published all around England. A passage from it even ended up in the journal! I felt so pleased about all of this. I spotted Daniel working on songs and wondered if he had the intention of going back in the job - which I would've totally supported.

Elodie grew up quickly and was adorable. The thing I loved the most was seeing the way Daniel looked at her with sparkling eyes. He was so tender with her and she loved him. It was really heart warming, I couldn't get bored of watching them together. Thankfully, Dan and Mia were also extremely nice with her. I was afraid that they would be jealous of her and believe we were replacing them which was completely false.

This summer, we decided to go on holiday in Scotland, the kids loved it even though we drove for hours to get there. We went to Skye and at the beginning, they kept complaining about the wind and how they wanted to leave but ended up having a lot of fun. We were staying at a B&B and the kids were finally peacefully sleeping. Daniel and I took this opportunity to spend time alone. Fortunately, the B&B was just next to a lac and so we walked under the moons light next to it. After a while, we sat down and stayed silent for a moment until he talked:

"I always wonder how life would have been if I never left." he was staring blankly at the horizon. I took his hand and replied:

"I often ask myself the same thing but you're here now, that's what's important." I smiled and he looked at me, smiling back.

"Even after all these years, I still love you with the same passion..." He said just before pulling me into a kiss. My hand found its way into his hair while I eagerly kissed him back and sat on his lap.

He broke the kiss and stared at me, biting his lip. "How can someone have this effect on me?" he added and I laughed, shaking my head.

"'This effect'? What effect?" I teased and he chuckled as well, letting his crooked tooth show which made me feel very weak.

"This one." he said and kissed me more passionately than earlier, making his hands travel from my hips to my neck, sending electric shocks all over my body and making my heart race. So this was the effect he was talking about.

We stayed beside the lac during hours, talking and laughing like the old times; a thing we didn't have the chance to do since a long time. It helped me forget about everything else and only concentrate on us... It also made me realize how much I had missed spending time alone with him. Just the two of us.


I'm so sorry for not writing anything for days D: ... I hope you like cheesy stuff and... I hope you like it ....

~ Millie Xx

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