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August 1, 2000 ~

Daniel and I were quite old but still together and the love between us never faded one single second. I was ready to leave with him, and so was he. We were sitting together in the living room, we smiled and took each other's hand, devouring each other's eyes. I couldn't believe we had gone this far and achieved our lives side by side. I didn't regret anything, not even the awful days when he was away to war or when I found him half dead against this tree. Nothing. Neither did he, he told me that war had made him stronger and that it was what made him realize even more that I was what he needed the most in his life. I hugged him weakly and he hugged me back a little bit stronger. We stayed this way for a few minutes before pulling back. "It's time." I muttered. He nodded as an agreement and stood up. I took his hand and he helped me to stand up as well. He kissed my forehead and walked in front of me. I followed him outside and even farther. I knew exactly where we were going because we had had planned this for a long time. 

Even if I didn't have the same energy as before, it didn't take long for us to arrive to our place. I smiled when I was able to see the tree and the rock. We had not gone there for quite a long time until now and making the same steps as before brought back so much memories that my eyes started to water. I rubbed my eyes, chasing the tears, and kept on walking behind him. He often turned around to check on me and I reassured him, saying I was perfectly fine. He was such a sweetheart. Finally to the top, I took some deep breaths before enjoying every bits of this moment. He took my hand and squeezed it a little bit while staring at the dying sun. I imitated him and observed all the colours of the sunset that were scattered into the sky. 

I found myself smiling and crying at the same time. Here we were, at the same place we went so many times and enjoying this night together next to each other. I couldn't ask for a better way to leave. He sat down and so did I. And when the only light that was illuminating us was the moon's one, we laid down. Just like always, the stars were brightly shining in the dark sky and Daniel's eyes were sparkling like never before. He turned his head to look at me. I did the same and met his gorgeous blue eyes, making my heart beat faster and faster as the second passed. He hold my hand tightly and pulled me closer to him so my that head was on his shoulder. I felt myself on the edge of crying and I was shaking a little. He stroked my hair and shushed me. "There's nothing to be afraid of, Scarlett. Everything will be fine." he whispered which slightly calmed me down. "I'm not afraid... I'm happy to be with you at this very moment." I replied. He looked at the sky once again. "Scarlett?" he called and I nodded to make him keep on talking : "Look at the stars and tell me what you see." I obeyed and stared at the thousands of shining spots. I didn't exactly understood what he meant but I kept staring. That was when I felt myself go. I knew it was time, that everything would soon be all over but I wasn't scared, I wasn't sad. I was happy. "I see... I see us." I responded. He chuckled quietly and wrapped his arms all around me without taking his eyes off of the sky.

"I love you." he mumbled one last time.

"I love you." I replied. This was the last thing he and I said to each other. This was the last thing we ever said at all. 

I closed my eyes. A single tear rolled down my cheek but I was smiling. My heart beat slower and slower and as I drifted into an innocent yet endless sleep, I was eventually gone into oblivion with him. Our love was eternal was so were we, here, laying together under the moon. We had finally achieved Daniel's dream. We had joined the stars.

*~ The End ~*

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