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The following days, Daniel didn't leave Elodie a single second. He always had an eye on her no matter where she was. It was sweet but when Will and the rest of the boys came asking where he was, I started thinking he was doing too much. Spending too much time at work/Spending too much time with his family. Even though the second idea sounded way better I knew this wouldn't last and wasn't really good for his work. The previous months, when Elodie was still missing, he only wrote a couple of songs locked up into his room. When I talked to him about it he weirdly understood very well and said he'd soon go seriously back to work. I kissed his forehead in pride for being this wise and he connected his lips on mine afterwards. It felt perfect; way too perfect.

But to my surprise, the days and months flew slowly and peacefully. There was nothing to really worry about, except my apparent lack of imagination I was trying my very best to fill. But again, I didn't worry about it at all. I was more concentrated on my children, husband and father. Speaking of my father, Daniel didn't allow him to see our younger daughter anymore, neither Mia nor Dan. He was too scared he'd do it again; or even worse. I respected this, but him saying that even I shouldn't speak to him was a bit too harsh and I, of course, never agreed with it. Which caused my dad to blame himself all the time. He was getting old, and his health wasn't getting better. He even mentioned that he felt like 'it was soon going to be all over', scaring me. I didn't want to see him die, especially just after my mother. It'd be too hard to cope. 


A cool morning in November, Daniel and I were sitting comfortably on the sofa, my head resting on his chest and his arm around my shoulder. He was rubbing my bare arm with his thumb, causing me to shiver from his warm touch. I found it crazy that even after years I was still madly in love with this man, that his smile still caused the feeling of flying butterflies in my stomach and much more further into my body. I realized how lucky I was to have him beside me, surrounded by loving and adorable children. With this, I told him out of nowhere "I love you terribly hard, Daniel Campbell Smith." looking straight into his blue and wonderful eyes. His smile grew wider and his hand found its way in my hair, he repeated the same movement with his thumb, relaxing me even more. He was looking at me tenderly, the same way he always did since the first day. "If only you knew, Scarlett Victoria Smith, the love I feel for you. It consumes me whole and makes me believe that you are my everything." 

I blushed, feeling like a teenager again. The fact that he used 'Smith' always made me so happy I could barely take it. I couldn't believe I was married to a such lovely person. And because of him, my lack of imagination was nothing but an old memory. He inspired me so much in my writings by just being himself and complete the other part of myself; the missing one when he wasn't near me. I felt genuinely happy & he was the cause of it.

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