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September 15, 1947

I looked at my wedding dress with pride and shining eyes. I felt all sorts of emotions : excitement, joy, I was also terribly nervous. Finally, it was happening.

Everyone was coming, all of our friends and family were going to be here and I was submerged by happiness. Chrissy was here, she helped me getting my wedding dress on. When it was done, she made me close my eyes and turn on myself so I could be facing the mirror. "Open them." I heard and I did so. I hold back a squeal as I stared at my reflection. Chrissy smiled and clapped her hands "You look ridiculously gorgeous like this... Daniel is going to love it and so will everyone." she took me in her arms and I thanked her.

"Thank you so much, Chrissy. I wouldn't have gone this far without you. You're such a good friend and I can't thank you enough." It was true. She had always been the one, with Woody when we were still best friends, who took the time to listen to me and understand. She never judged me for anything, I couldn't dream of a better friend. Woody and her had talked. I knew I would take time for them to become again like they used to be, but I believed in them. They were perfect for each other, everyone knew and said it.

"Come on, Scarlett. You know I'll always be there for you." she smiled and so did I.

I still didn't understand why Daniel couldn't see my dress until the wedding, I found it quite stupid though I didn't say anything, not wanting to cause any unnecessary troubles.

Chrissy was tying my hair up in a bun "So that everyone can see your flawless neck." she explained which made me laugh.

I was eventually ready and thanked Chrissy for the hundredth time for helping me. She said it was her pleasure and wished me good luck since I became a lot more nervous as the minutes passed.

I got into the car, followed by Chrissy. We weren't doing our wedding in a church because neither Daniel nor I were religious. So we obviously chose : the hill. Like I explained it before, the tree that was here became the symbol of our love because unless if it dies, it will never stop growing. We couldn't think of a better place for it to happen, it was simply perfect.

Chrissy hold my hand during the whole ride, squeezing it. "It's gonna be fine." she reassured me. I knew it was going to though I couldn't tell why I felt this nervous. Perhaps because I had waited for this moment for years and today it was finally going to take place? It wouldn't have surprised me.

When we arrived, my heart was pounding hard and I thought I was going to faint, but fortunately, I didn't.

My dad was there, looking at me with loving eyes. He was going to be one who will help me walk towards Daniel. He took my arm and it began. "You look superb. I am proud of you." he whispered in my ear. I smiled and mumbled "Thank you so much, dad."

The was music and a huge amount of people sitting who stood up as we were walking on a long carpet. I spotted Daniel a few steps away, staring at me. I then I noticed that everyone was staring at me even though I only saw him, standing in his suit looking handsome than ever and truthfully smiling like never before. I wanted to run and jump in his arms but hold myself back. Soon, I was next to him. He looked at me from my head to toe and his smile never left for a second.

The person marrying us was the Mayor of the city, he was a nice and wise man.

He began making the usual speech but I wasn't really listening, more concentrated on Daniel until the so waited moment.

"Daniel Campbell Smith, do you, with all sincerity and true love, take Scarlett Victoria Carson, the woman with who you are investing yourself to live for the rest of your days with, with who you will share dark and fortunate days, all your sorrows and your happiness, to be your wife?"

"I do." he said and smiled.

"Scarlett Victoria Carson, do you take this man, Daniel Campbell Smith, to be your husband? To be forever faithful and comfort him and be comforted until the end of your days? To be forever with him even in the darkest and rough moments?"

I took a deep breath and articulated the two fateful words. "I do."

"You may kiss the bride."

Daniel took my head in his hands and asked "Will you be the yin to my yang?"

I laughed and nodded. "I will."

He stared at me for a second before pressing his lips on mine. 'Scarlett Victoria Smith.' Was officially my name.

I looked at everyone. My parents, his parents, our children, our friends... Everyone. I had never felt this happy, surrounded by all my loved ones never felt this right. And they were all here. The most surprising thing was that it wasn't a dream; it was real.

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