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1947, July 29 || J - 15 ~ (15 days before our wedding)

After hours of reflection, I decided I would tell Daniel about what happened between Chris and I before our wedding. I know, fifteen days before wasn't really a good idea but at least, I let him the possibility of leave if he wanted to. I knew where it would certainly lead me, I knew where this was going. But I had to do it.

But there was a tricky part in this story. I was pregnant of two months and didn't tell anyone. I had no one to talk, except Daniel but I was scared. Scared that he would leave me again and this time, willingly. I wouldn't blame him at all. Why would I ? It was all my fault and I knew it. I had to tell him everything today.

It was the most hardest thing I ever had to do. Tell my future husband that his bestfriend and his future wife broke his trust.

I was in the bedroom and I walked to the window from where we could see the garden. I watched Daniel and Dan play football together, Mia watching them while she was eating an ice cream. They were are laughing and seemed so happy. And I was going to ruin everything. Daniel looked up and looked to me. Our eyes met each other and I waved my hand. He smiled and waved me too. He was distracted by Dan kicking the ball into Daniel's leg causing him to chase after our son.

I walked away from the window and decided I would tell him later when everything will calm down and the night will begin to fall. This time came quicker than I thought it would.

I went into the living room and found Daniel reading a book on the couch. He looked so peaceful. I blamed myself for the troubles I was just about to cause him.

"Daniel?" I asked.

He took his glasses off, put the book on his side and looked up at me. "Yes, love?"

I was playing with my fingers being extremely nervous. "I have to talk to you about something."

"Sure." he taped the sofa next to him, inviting me so sit with him.

"I prefer standing. But please, don't get up." I was still not looking at him.

I closed my eyes and took deep breaths.

"In 1943, when you weren't there I... you know, it was the day I had finally found the key you wanted me to. I went into the attic, opened the box and found the note you left inside of it." I smiled at the thought but remembered where this was going. My face straightened. "And... W-Woody. Chris was here and I wondered why could he possibly be here ? He..." I looked at Daniel who was staring at me, listening closely. "Daniel. He kissed me. I am so sorry. And... I kissed him back, before realizing what I was doing. It has been haunting me until this day. This is why I drifted into depression and locked myself from everyone and especially from him. I hate him and I hate myself for what happened. I will never be able to forgive myself and I do not expect you to. I would comple-"

"Stop." He cut me off coldly. "Just stop."

"But Daniel, listen to me."

He stood up, obviously angry.

"I said stop!" he yelled. A tear rolled down on my cheek and also started shaking. I shouldn't be reacting this way, this was normal. He must hate me now and it was exactly what I expected. So why am I crying ?

"I'm going to see him." he simply said and walked to the door.

"Daniel, I'm pregnant!" He stopped, not turning back. "Of two months."

He didn't reply anyway and stormed out of the house.

I fell on my knees and cried all the tears of my body, not believing what I had just said to him. How after all these years, it came out. But I felt nothing but broken because I had broken the most precious thing on earth. His heart.

I think this night, I cried myself to sleep on the cold floor of the living room, not having the strength neither the will of getting up.

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