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/!\ Warning : This chapter contains 'sensitive' scenes. /!\

I woke up the next day in the morning, not in the living room anymore. I was in my bedroom, covered by the light blue sheets of the bed. Opening my eyes was quite painful because of all the tears I had cried. I wondered how I had got here. I looked around me and saw my hearing aid placed on the bedside table. I looked next to me and found a paper on the pillow. I took it.

"Scarlett, I'm sorry. Forgive me, please. I love you to pieces... you, Mia and Dan.

Daniel. xx"

Was written on it. What was he sorry for ? For yelling at me yesterday? I doubted it. He wouldn't have talked about Dan and Mia.

I changed my clothes and walked down the stairs, expecting to see Daniel in the living room or anywhere in the house. He was nowhere to be found.

Then I thought. Maybe at the hill ? It wouldn't surprise me.

I put my shoes on and made my way to where I guessed he would be. And to my relief, I was right. But something was wrong. He was sat against the tree, his both arms at his side. He was bleeding from his wide opened wrists and all of his muscles were completely relaxed. I stood in shock, observing the horrific scene. In his right opened hand was a piece of glass covered in blood. I screamed his name as I fell next to him. I was shaking him the hardest I could, hoping he would wake up and tell me everything was all right. Nothing happened. I cursed myself for doing this to him. It was all because of me. What a fool I was, what a fool. I kept shaking him, kissing him and talking to him but his eyes stayed shut, his hands stayed opened and his head stayed down.

After some minutes I ran to Chris's house, banging at the door. He was the one who opened and I fell into his arms, sobbing. At first, he didn't react but ended up wrapping his arms around me and stroked my back to calm me down. Obviously, I couldn't calm down.

"Scarlett! What's wrong?" He asked.

"It's...it's Daniel. He-" I couldn't say the words, it was just too hard to say, too hard to accept.

"Scarlett? Tell me." he said in a worried voice.

"He just committed suicide." my voice was shaky and full of sobs. He stepped back.

"Where is he?!"

"The hill..." I replied and he ran next to me.

No, Daniel. I cannot lose you again. Not like this. Not in these circumstances. Not because of my stupid actions.

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