*~ The end ~*

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Yeey, the end! I hope you all liked it. By the way, this is supposed to be a happy ending so I hope it worked. 

I'm feeling a little bit sad, though. I loved writing these books and I got really attached to the characters. And now, well... It's over! I'm exaggerating a little bit, I know; sorry. 

Anyway, if you have any questions or anything like that, you can still comment and stuff. 

Thank you all so so So much for reading & everything. Really. 

Bye <3

~ Millie Xx

PS : I don't know how many times I've said it but I'm going to start posting the chapter of "S for Survival" (that used to be called "SurvivaL") which is, I repeat (sorry) a Kyle Simmons fanfiction about friendship & depression with trigger warnings all over the place. I'm really enjoying writing it because um... It became my only way to let go of everything that's in my mind and yeah (since I stopped opening up to my friends haha cause I feel like an attention seeker and that it's bothering them)... I hope you'll like it... (if you want to read it of course. I don't know.) xx

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