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Since Daniel refused to listen, I invited Kyle home while Daniel was out somewhere. Unlike him, Kyle was surprisingly quite easy to talk to about this tricky subject. He understood and agreed that Daniel spent way too much time away from us but he still defended him which was completely normal. "You know how he is with work, you should give him some time. And I don't think he wants to divorce at all, don't think this way, please." he told me. 

The time part made me a little annoyed. I had waited months and nothing had changed a single bit. "I already gave him time, he needs to realize what's happening and think about it. I'm sick of only making diner for him and if he doesn't change his attitude I soon won't be this nice anymore." I replied trying not to sound too harsh.

Kyle sighed, stoop up and placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry I have to go. I'll try to talk to him."

"Thank you... Say hi to Janna for me." 

 "I sure will. See you!" he said and left, leaving me alone with my thoughts in the living room. I turned the radio on and layed on the couch, staring at the ceiling. I wondered how all of this would end. A happy or sad ending ? Next thing I knew, tiredness was taking over my body and I was fast asleep.

I was drifted out of my sleep by a slight shaking and by Daniel's deep voice whispering my name. I turned my head so I could see him, he was on his knees to be face to face with me. He smiled sadly and I sat up, feeling a bit dizzy. "What time is it?" I asked while rubbing my sore eyes.
 He checked his watch "It's... 2 in the morning, you seemed so peaceful I didn't dare waking you up, sorry." he stood up before sitting beside me.

"What about diner? I didn't make it, I shouldn't have fallen asleep..." 

 "Don't worry, I took care of it." he assured me. I frowned, a bit surprised.

"And Elodie?" I questioned.

"Sleeping like an angel." he responded, sounding a bit proud of himself. I nodded and a long silence filled the space between us. After a few minutes, I decided to break the silence.

"Did Kyle talk to you?" I asked him. He scratched his neck and stared at the floor.

"Kind of... It didn't end well, though."

 I rolled my eyes; did it mean he still didn't want to change? "What do you mean?"

"Scarlett, are you trying to turn everyone against me?"

I was in utter shock. I couldn't believe he was seeing it this way. He really made me feel like I was the bad guy. "I beg your pardon?!"

"You didn't have to talk about our problems to Kyle, it's none of his business." he spat and got up. I was tired of fighting about this, it was always the same thing. Him acting ignorant and me trying to convince him he needed to change.

I stood up as well.
"He's one of mine and your closest friends! Am I not allowed to talk to whom I want? It's not like he didn't notice, anyway. I'm sure everyone is thinking the same thing as me. You spend too much time working and not enough time here."

"I'm out of here." he simply said, headed to the door again and slammed it.

 I let myself fall down on the couch and screamed into the pillow, getting all of my anger out. A second later, tears were flowing down my face and I stayed in the living room until dawn and longer only to see that he was probably not willing to come back soon. I wasn't going to let him ruin everything we had just because of his work and so I decided to talk to everyone.

Hi thank you for 2.1k reads, by the way! Means loads to me. :)
~ Millie Xx

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