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A year later, everything seemed settled down for Daniel and they were all ready to go back on tour after releasing a new album that everyone was quite excited about. Of course, his pessimism never faded away. He freaked out very badly before the release of this album, believed that everyone had forgotten about them and wouldn't buy anything from a "crappy band returning from the dead" as he said and I laughed. I knew and had read that all the fans and more were waiting for them, were trying to figure out if the rumours were true. To his biggest surprise, the album was a success and they were back into the business! Which unfortunately meant touring & being away from us. I was scared to have him this far, afraid of losing him again. He reassured me by telling me it was only a question of months before he'd come back home. But then would fly into some other countries all the same to produce their album, and I couldn't blame them for it. 

So here we were again; missing each other, dreaming about seeing each other. Elodie was almost three years old and was absolutely beautiful. She had the same hair as me, blond and wavy. Dan and Mia couldn't wait for their father to come back and I knew exactly how they felt. 

When he wasn't there, I'd make the hundred steps in the whole house before Mia stopped me. "Please stop, mum... It makes me sad seeing you like this." she told me. I agreed and returned back to my bedroom but repeated the exact same thing everyday until he came back. Of course, he sent me letters and postcards to keep us updated.

Before he left for his first tour, he took me to where he used to play to me in the old days; to this old building. The piano was surprisingly still intact and it brought so many memories back. When I met Woody for the first time, how the band started and of course all the times he played in here along with his amazing singing. There, he played some new songs, leaving me in complete awe. He had become much more better, even in his voice. He sort of reluctantly explained to me that back in the war, he had had the chance to practice the piano, also a way of escaping the horrors of it. I felt pity although pride at the same time towards him. He was so strong, unlike me. 


Quick update 'cause I didn't write anything yesterday and I want to finish this book in like... a week? to start posting my new Kyle Simmons fanfiction \o/ (I'm writing it right now... it has already eight chapters and I'm really enjoying it so... yep.)
Thanks you all so much for reading, voting and commenting; I really appreciate it ! 

~ Millie Xx

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