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Daniel only came back the next day, while I was making diner for the children. 

I heard someone open the front door recognized his steps as he made his way to the living room, saying he was home. I hadn't had the time to talk to everyone, being too busy with my work and the kids. I left everything cook a bit to greet him. I saw him standing in the doorway of the living room, watching Mia and Dan watch the television. I coughed to make him notice my presence and he turned around. He stared at his shoes and I crossed my arms, waiting for him to say something; which took quite a while. 

He shuffled a little, being the shy person he was. "Uh..." he started, "Scarlett, I'm sorry." he mumbled and I could feel myself smiling to my ears. I decided to tease him up a little bit. "Sorry, what? I didn't hear."

He looked up at me, slightly smiling. "I'm sorry." he repeated, this time louder. "I'm sorry for... running away. I really freaked out, I was scared and didn't think. Will you forgive me?" he asked, sounding like an innocent child. I smiled sweetly and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and we heard "Awww"'s from the living room, obviously coming from Dan and Mia. That was until I pulled back a little to crush my lips on his. This time, we heard them telling us to stop; which made us laugh. "Shhh." I shushed them "It's time for diner anyway." I grinned and  headed to the kitchen, followed by Daniel. "Let me help you with this." he smiled and I thanked him. 

My Daniel was back. But for how long?


It was a Sunday afternoon, a month later since Daniel started to act like a father and a husband again. Since then, everything went perfectly except for this day. There was nothing wrong with Daniel, no. What bothered me, or who to be more precise, was my father. He began to only focus himself on Elodie which scared me a lot. Daniel didn't understand, he only told me to "Let him do his things. He's recovering well, I think." But he didn't know my father well. 

This day, I left Elodie in the garden with Daniel to go to the shop even though I felt weird. During the whole ride, the only thing I wanted to do was to come back home and stay with Elodie. But I couldn't, I had a lot of things to buy. 

When I came back home, neither Daniel nor Elodie were in the garden. A part of myself told me not to worry whilst the other part was panicking. I rushed myself in and dropped the bag in the kitchen. "Daniel?" I called. No answer. I ran to the living room only to see my terrified husband sitting on the sofa. "Daniel, what happened?" I almost screamed.

"He... he took her." he stuttered, leaving me in complete confusion. 


"Your father. Your father took Elodie. I... I couldn't do anything... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." he sobbed "He threw firecrackers next to me and... and I couldn't move. I couldn't, I just couldn't." 

"It's alright." I said, wrapping my arms around him to reassure him. Why would my father take her ?


meh. I'm beginning to feel so insecure about this fic. 

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