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Everyone came to see if he was alright, they asked him questions but I stopped them when I felt that they were going a little bit too far in the subject. Daniel thanked me with a look. He had to stay in for a couple of more days before he was allowed to leave the hospital. Of course, everybody asked me if I knew the reason why he tried to kill himself. I told them it was because of personal events and they nodded, understanding I wasn't going to say more. I went to see Chris and he apologized for everything, saying it was all his fault. I stopped him and reassured him that we were both wrong and that Daniel was willing to leave this all behind. He was surprised and didn't respond. "Talk to Chrissy. She needs you." I said to him and he smiled sadly. "You love her, don't you?" he nodded and looked down. "And she loves you, Chris. Just give her some time, you'll see."

"Thanks." he muttered and hugged me. "I'm.."

I cut him off. "Shh. Don't talk. It's all good. Now go."

He nodded and left me in the corridor. After a moment, Kyle came back with Dan and Mia followed by Janna. Both of them were smiling widely. I looked at them, confused and took Mia and Dan's hand. "Thanks for keeping an eye on them." I said.

"Not a problem. They're really sweet." said Janna, looking at them. "Is Daniel alright?"

"Yes, fortunately ! Like the doctors told me, he's really lucky he survived." I sighed. "But anyway. What's going on with you two? You seem all cheerful!"

They looked at each other, still smiling. Janna talked "Well... We're having a baby."

My jaws dropped. "Really?! I am so happy for you! You'll both be amazing parents." I hugged them after congratulating them and they thanked me. This new had brightened my day a little more. I couldn't be more glad for them. They both deserved to be happy and formed a wonderful couple which made me think of Daniel and I. I wish things had been more simple between us. But maybe all the things that we went through made us stronger ? At least, that's what I hoped. I placed my hand on my stomach, thinking about the baby we were going to have and how this time, he would be there to watch him, or her, grow up and I smiled at the thought and watched Dan and Mia trying to pass the time. They really were angels.

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