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The next day, we came home. Daniel was driving but couldn't concentrate properly on the road. I often had to tell him to watch where he was going, I didn't want us to have an accident. We had left Mia and Dan alone just for the night because we trusted them and they knew how to cook simple things, so I had nothing to worry about.

Approaching the house, I recognized my father's car parked in front of it. It was unusual because he rarely came to visit us or always told us before. I felt something was wrong and so I handed Elodie to Daniel after he had stopped the car and rushed inside our home. I entered the living room and memories resurfaced: The day Daniel received his letter, the day my whole life changed. This time, it wasn't Daniel I found crying but my father. It was the first time I ever saw water fall on his cheeks. And without words, I understood although I didn't want to.

The heart breaking sound stopped as soon as he noticed I was there, standing at the entrance, staring at him in silence. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I wanted to run towards him and wrap my arms around his tall and familiar figure but nothing happened.

I heard Daniel walk in and stop just behind me. I prayed for him to understand the events without asking because at this very moment, I wasn't able to speak neither answer any painful questions. When my father saw Elodie in Daniel's arms, his eyes lit up a little bit and he got up, rubbed his soaked eyes and cheeks and slowly made his way towards her without even meeting my eyes. I turned around and saw a slight smile appear on his lips as he stared at Elodie with love. And again, I had never seen him like this; not even when he saw Dan and Mia for the first time.

"It's a sign." we heard him mutter as he gently caressed her cheek.

I felt warm tears form in my eyes and soon they were streaming down my cheeks in a great amount. 'She's in a better place.' I told myself but hardly believed it.

The one who carried me inside of her for nine months, who taught me how to walk, how to talk and who helped me become the person I was now was gone and I didn't have the chance to say goodbye. Daniel kept his head down the whole time.


Dan and Mia welcomed Elodie with joy before we told them about my mother. They were both hurt but unbelievably strong. All they did was hug me and tell me she was still there somewhere, watching us. Despite their very young age they were already, in an innocent way, mature. I thanked and kissed them them, took Elodie in my arms and went in my bedroom leaving everyone downstairs. I needed to be alone to think and obviously to break down crying and get all of these emotions out.

After a moment, Daniel joined me. I tried to stop my tears from falling but couldn't. He sat on the bed next to me and rubbed my back after pulling me closer to him. I placed my head on his shoulder.

"You can let it go, Scarlett. Don't hold it back, it's alright to cry." he whispered and I did as he told me; I let it all go.

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