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Four months after this day, my father died from a heart attack. Some said he always had a fragile heart and were not surprised. But to me, it had something to do with my mother. I knew his condition was getting worse everyday I saw him; and I felt that this would happen. Despite the hatred Daniel had towards my father, he still seemed sorry even though he never admitted it. The funeral was silent and so were the tears. The speeches were long and monotonous but respectful. At the very end when everyone was gone, I stood before his grave and stared at it thoughtfully for a while that the children were getting impatient. "Honey? We have to go, now." Daniel said gently as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I took this hand in mine and hold it tightly. "You can go, I want to stay here a little more." I replied and let go of his hand. He squeezed my shoulder and kissed my cheek before leaving me alone.

Today's sky was filled with grey clouds and the air was humid. I had to hurry up if I didn't want to go home completely soaked by the rain that was coming. Kneeling in front of his grave, I sighed and played with the flower bouquet I was keeping. I let out a nervous chuckle and shook my head "There's no need to speak to you... You're... You're dead." I said in almost a whisper. "I still hope you're in a better place with mum, now; even if I don't believe in heaven. At least, you aren't in pain anymore. That's all that matters." I smiled slightly and placed the bouquet on the white stone. "Farewell, dad. I love you." 

The rain started to fall as I walked away, not heading home for now. Instead, I entered in a cinema which looked deserted. The cashier's eyes lit up as he saw me approach him. "I just want to see a movie. It doesn't matter which one, you can choose." he raised his eyebrow but did as I said and gave me a ticket before pointing the right room to me. I thanked him and took a sit, the farthest from the screen. Thankfully, I was the only one in the movie theatre. I didn't take any interests into the movie. I just sat here and drowned into my thoughts and memories that were filling my whole mind. That was when I broke down crying.

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