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It was only three months later that something happened. I was sat in the garden, as always, waiting and hoping I would be able to see her again. Daniel believed I was going crazy, but I could see him fall as well even if he was trying to hide his emotions and keep everything inside of him. He wouldn't really talk to me, he barely mentioned her. It made me feel sorry to see him this way. 

It was quite late, the sun was starting to disappear and I felt my eye get heavier and heavier as the minutes passed slowly. I was just about to go home when the sound of quick but loud steps was heard. It was my dad, holding Elodie by the hand, walking casually into the garden. I couldn't believe my eyes and this time, I actually thought I had gone crazy. I wanted to get up but my legs wouldn't respond. Elodie saw me and squealed "Mummy!" before letting go of my father's hand and running to me, jumping into a huge hug. Hot tears began to roll down my cheeks and I hugged her the harder I could until she told me she "couldn't breathe", laughing. I looked up at my father, boiling with angry but relieved at the same time. I pulled back from the hug and at the same time, Daniel opened the front door. He had probably heard Elodie squeal. His jaws dropped as he saw her "Elodie?!" he called; she turned her head towards him and repeated the same thing. Daniel was on his knees, holding our daughter firmly until he reopened his eyes and saw my father standing in the middle of the garden, observing the scene. This couldn't end up well, I thought.

Daniel instantly stood up and made his way towards my dad quickly who stepped back a little. Daniel took him by the collar and lifted him up with all his strength until they were face to face (my dad being much more smaller than Daniel). I had never seen him this way and it frightened me. I was afraid that he could hurt him; I knew that what he had done was extremely wrong and foolish but he was still my father! To my relief, he just looked at him from his head to toe in complete disgust before spatting "You little piece of...- " he paused, reconsidering his words "Just stay away from my family." with this, he let him down and returned straight to Elodie who seemed scared as well. "Come in." he told her sweetly and she took his hand after nodding, not taking her eyes off of my dad.

When they were in, I rushed myself to my father, checking if he was alright. "Yes, don't worry about me. Scarlett, I am so sorry for what I've done. I just wanted to spend time with her, you know..? She... she looks exactly like your mother and it drove me crazy, I didn't think." he cried. I rubbed his back, the anger dying slowly as I watched my father sob, breaking my heart. "It's okay..." I reassured him and pulled him into a hug which he returned back.  "Next time, just ask." I said, trying not to sound too harsh. I laughed awkwardly and he did the same. He pursed his lips, placed a hand on my shoulder. "I should go. I don't think your husband will ever trust me around again and I understand him. It's a good lad you have there, I'm proud of you." 

I couldn't believe my ears. My dad complimenting Daniel and telling me he was proud of me. It was more than I could ever ask for. I hugged him one last time before saying goodbye. I sighed, hoping hard this wasn't a dream. But thankfully, I never 'woke up'. 

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