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"Dad? I know I've asked this before, but...if i disappeared...would you care?" Lance asked sheepishly. He never talked to his Dad alone if I he could avoid it, but this was his chance...to get away from him forever. They both stood on the back porch...just the two of them.

"And I've already answered. I wouldn't," his dad spat. That hurt. That hurt a lot.

"Then can I? Disappear?" Asked Lance. His Dad chuckled.

"Thinking of killing yourself again?" His dad laughed. Lance felt a sharp pain shoot through him.

"How did...how did you know?! Actually never mind...I don't care! Look, I don't want to kill myself I've been doing a lot better! And my...friend offered me the chance to move to New York with them. It wouldn't cost you anything, the only thing that would happen is I would be off your hands," Lance explained. His Dad chuckled.

            "It's not that easy son. You can't just run off to New York. I could get in legal trouble," his dad explained.

            "I know, but if I stayed on the down low until I turned eighteen...which is right around the corner, I'm sure everything would work out. The only thing you would have to do is probably register me for my new school," explained Lance.

            "Seems like too much work," his dad sighed.

            "But I would be off your hands! You wouldn't have to deal with me anymore! I know just looking at me gets your blood boiling!" Cried Lance.

            "I'll let you go...if your mother agrees," his dad explained. Lance huffed in frustration.

             "You know she won't understand! She never understands! Look this is the one time in my life I've asked you for something! Please, just let me go!" Begged Lance.

               "I'll never have to see you again?" His dad questioned.

              "Never," Lance promised.

               "Deal," his sad smirked. Lance sighed in relief.

              "Okay, I'll go grab my things," muttered lance, running off. He quickly went to his room, gathering only the things that he certainly needed or mattered to him. Like his facial regime materials. He then quickly scrambled notes to all the members of his family he cared about, about why he was leaving. Then he took of down the stairs to freedom. He was almost out the door, when he ran smack into his sister.

              "Victoria! I didn't see you there!" Lance admitted. Victoria looked at him in concern.

               "What are you doing? Is dad drunk again?" She asked. Lance shook his head.

               "I'm leaving for good, I wish I could take you with me," he whispered. Victoria's eyes widened.

              "You can't mean that," she said, suspiciously.

              "No seriously...I'm moving to New York with Takashi Shirogane," explained Lance.

                "What? The guy who got Dr. Curtis fired at the Garrison? Lance please don't tell me your moving in with some perverted pedophile," whispered back his sister. You never knew who could be listening in there house. Lance grabbed his sister's arm and led her outside.

             "Why are you saying that? Because he's gay?" Lance accused, talking louder now that they were outside. His sister scoffed at him.

             "Well...I just don't get why he's agreed to let you move with him, and live with him! That's insane!" His sister cried. Lance heart hammered, he didn't want anyone in his family to know...but since he was moving...would telling his sister be that bad?

               "Because his little brother is my boyfriend!" Lance admitted, closing his eyes and wincing. His sister gasped.

               "Wait...I think I've heard of his brothers...Keith Kogane? The trouble maker? Is your boyfriend!!" His sister practically yelled. Lance eyes widened.

               "Keep it down! Just because I'm moving doesn't mean I want our whole family to know!" Lance cried.

            "Also...since when are you gay? Your whole life you've always talked about wanting a girlfriend!" His sister said.

            "I'm bi," said Lance.

            "Nice," Victoria, then she stepped closer to Lance.

           "Just so you know. I'm not exactly straight either. I may or may not be a lesbian," Victoria whispered, winking. Lance couldn't help but grin. Then the sibling pair did an awesome fruity fist bump.

           "I'll miss you Victoria. I'll call you as much as I can," promised Lance. Victoria nodded.

           "You better!" She said.

           And at that Lance was off...ready for his new life.

Klance: It's all Pidge's FaultOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora