The First Fucking Rehersal

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The following morning Keith woke up completely soaked with sweat. He jumped out of bed, trying to think through why he was so sweaty. Then he remembered...his first rehearsal was today. After school, Keith would have to dress up as a girl and pretend like he could act.

Keith sighed as he put on his school uniform, dreading the day. When he hopped on his motorcycle, he took the long way to school. Trying to savor any ounce of freedom he would get today.

As he walked down the hallways, he felt more on edge. More moody. He shot more glares than usual. He didn't even try to pay attention in class, his mind was too focused on what would happen at the end of the school day. His fingers tapped, and he bounced his legs up and down.

"Keith, I'm sure it'll be fine. It's just the first rehearsal. You'll probably just do a read through and meet everyone. Plus, I'm being forced into being there so you'll have me," Pidge reassured him. Keith sighed. Pidge's words did nothing to the untangle the knot in his stomach.

     Then the time came. Keith flinched as he heard the end of school bell ring. He gulped, wishing he hadn't have ever agreed to being Juliet. He tapped his fingers against his legs, and he walked to the theatre room. Once there, he saw boys filtering inside. Keith hid behind the corner of the hallway, watching them.

     "Hey Mullet!" A voice said behind him. Keith startled, and spun around to be greeted by Lance's obnoxious face.

     "Here to wish your cousin good luck?" Hunk asked. Keith shook his head.

    "The fuck guys, don't creep up on people like that!" Keith demanded, then spun away from them going down a different hallway. Lance and Hunk sighed. Keith quickly rushed down hallway after hallway. Finally he sighed, and rounded back to the theatre room knowing he had no other choice. 

    When he crept around the hallway corner for the second time, Keith saw that the crowd had cleared out and no one was in the hallway. Keith let out a breath in relief. Then he went into Ms. Fran's classroom which was right next to the theater room. Pidge was spinning in a chair when Keith entered. She smiled at him.

     "Ready for your makeover?" Pidge asked, winking. Keith sighed.

     "No," he groaned. Pidge laughed.

      "Come on Keith!" Pidge insisted.

"Fine," Keith groaned.

"I think you should wear the dress today," Pidge commented, beginning to get out the makeup supplies.

"Whatever," Keith shrugged. He quickly got changed, and then sat himself down for makeup.

"You know, I never thought of you as being good at makeup," Keith remarked, as Pidge did his eyeliner.

"Im good at everything," Pidge told him, smirking. Keith laughed.

"Not public speaking apparently," Keith argued. Pidge nodded.

"True," she said,"Makeup has always come pretty easy for me. I like to do my eyeliner a lot so I have a lot of practice."

Keith waited patiently for Pidge to help him finish his look, then she grabbed his leg, causing his eyes to go wide. She examined it.

"Good, no hairs. Not that it would matter if a girl had them, but people might be suspicious because of the circumstances."

Keith jerked his leg away.

"What do you mean? You think they'll know?" He asked, alarmed. Pidge shook her head.

"No. I'm just saying it's always better to be cautious," she told him. Keith nodded.

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