Bad Memories

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     "So Lance, nervous about the kiss?" Hunk teased, elbowing Lance in the shoulder.

    "Me? Nervous about kissing? You forget who you're talking to. I'm loverboy Lance!" Lance insisted, elbowing back. He grinned a charming smile, and his teeth seemed to sparkle as in agreement with his statement. At least, that's what Keith thought. He awkwardly tossed around his salad, trying not to make eye contact with Lance. He was just too nervous to after the kiss, and because of the fact that he would be kissing Lance that same afternoon.

    "Hey Pidge, do you and Kara about me?" Lance asked hesitantly, turning to Pidge. Pidge stopped eating and looked up surprised.

    "" She told him, unsure of what to say. She stole a quick side glance at Keith.

    "Oh. Okay. I just didn't know if she ever talked about me," Lance admitted, blushing.

    Keith cursed. Did Lance still have a fucking crush on Kara? This was bad.

    "Not really I guess, but me and Kara don't really talk so..." Pidge explained. Lance nodded. Keith sighed.

   "Lance you need to move on from her. I'm serious. You'll just get hurt," Keith insisted. Lance winced.

"Harsh man," he admitted, tapping the table anxiously. Keith shrugged.

"Truth hurts, but I really do promise that I'm just trying to protect you from getting hurt worse," Keith promised. Lance smiled an understanding grin.

"I know Keith," he assured. Keith smiled, and he couldn't help but blush a little too.

Keith left lunch with that conversation on his mind. He couldn't seem to concentrate on anything else. He just tried to keep his breathing steady, and not focus on how fast his heart was beating. The last few classes of the day flew by, and before he knew it he was slipping on a short black skirt, and a bright red top.

    He was completely silent while Pidge did his hair and makeup. She was too, she could tell he didn't want to talk. He sat there staring at the wall behind her, thinking of the taste of Lance's lips.

    Then he found himself standing on the brightly lit stage, which seemed so much bigger than the day before. Lance seemed to be standing so far away. Or maybe that was Keith. They both stared at Ms. Fran, not knowing what to do. She gave them a sympathetic look.

    "Well, as I we will be doing the kiss scene. So, um...go for it," she said.

    Keith made a face. Seriously? That was the only direction she was giving them? Just go for it? Keith heard Lance mumble through some lines, then Keith felt words come out of his own mouth, although he could barely even hear himself speak. His heartbeat was thrumming in his ears too loudly. And then, Lance turned towards him. Shit it was time. Keith awkwardly glanced up at Lance.

    Lance took another step. Then another.

    Keith couldn't breathe. He was going to lose control. Lance would figure out he was Keith.

    Lance was so close. He was only three feet away.

    If only he had told Lance. Would that have been so bad? To just tell Lance he was Kara? No. He couldn't. It would ruin everything.

   Two steps apart.

   Keith looked up into Lance's ocean eyes, trying not to get lost in them. Again.

   One step.

   Keith's breath hitched. He couldn't move.

   Lance awkwardly cupped Keith's face, and glanced at his lips which were painted ruby red. Lance began to lean in, and Keith felt his hormones go crazy. He felt a rush of urges. All of a sudden all he wanted to do was just grab Lance, and pull him in. He wanted to be the one kissing Lance, not the other way around. He wanted to rip of the wig, and make Lance realize that he was attracted to Keith. Not bitchy Kara. Keith wanted to  pull at Lance's hair enough to make him moan. Enough to make him make the noises he was afraid to make. Keith...

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