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       Keith had been packing all day. There were boxes everywhere. Shiro had been going back and forth between calling his boss and packing up another box. It had taken them hours of strenuous work, but finally Keith closed up the last box. There house was bare. The only thing left to do was put all the boxes in the moving truck Shiro's boss had provided. Expect that job was for the movers. Finally Keith could sit back and relax. The only thing was he wasn't sure where to relax at. The mover guy people had already taken away both Keith's bed and the couch. They didn't stop Keith from sleeping though. The next second he was asleep on the hard floor. And then the second after that he was being awaken again by a loud knocking on the door.

       Keith groaned. He had told the mover people they could come in and out as they pleased a million times already. What did they want now? Keith sauntered over to the door, groggily fumbling with the knob to open it, and finally pulled the stupid thing open. Keith froze. The person standing in front of him was the least person he had ever expected to see.

       Lance wore a crazed expression, and he looked as if he had been crying. He was trying to take in all the boxes everywhere, and whirled his head around frantically. Keith felt his pulse immediately pick up speed, and the type of nervous energy he only had when Lance was around shoot through him.

       "So it's true then?! You're actually moving?" Lance demanded. Keith was still frozen.

       "Uh...uh did you know?" Keith stammered out.

       "Pidge told me," Lance explained.

        "That little bitch," Keith murmured under his breath.

        "What?" Asked lance, breathless.

         "Nothing. Come in," Keith said,"Only if you want to."

"Okay," nodded, Lance stepping in quickly and taking in all the missing furniture replaced by boxes. He looked like he was gonna cry again.

" were just gonna move and not tell me? You say you love me and then you do this? What the fuck Keith!" Lance claimed, clearly hurt. Keith's eyes widened in shock.

"Lance I didn't think you wanted to see me. Every time I tried to call or text you, you wouldn't answer. You did your best to look the other way at school, and..."

"I was just being a drama queen Keith! I was mad at you and trying to sort it out! I didn't want a stupid apology, I was just so fed up with everything! But it's not like I planned it to be forever! Once I had gotten over it, I knew I wouldn't be able to help myself from coming back to you! And just as I was finally moving on, Pidge calls me up...and tells me your moving," Lance explained. Keith didn't know what to say. He just looked at lance awkwardly, his heart beating a million beats per second.

"And Keith I do forgive you. Of course I forgive you. I know you lied to me, but I know it wasn't all your fault. Pidge explained the whole situation a bit more to me. And I also know feelings can be really hard to cope with, especially when you've been through a lot in the past. Honestly it wasn't fair of me this past week to completely ignore you...the truth is I've really missed you Keith, and it's hurt me hearing about all the fights you've gotten in. Are you okay?" Lance asked hesitantly.

"I am now that I'm moving," Keith admitted. Lance nodded.

            "Oh...okay," Lance said, looking down.

            "Well Lance...I thought we were completely over, that's why when Shiro asked me to move I didn't even hesitate. But now that you're saying this..." Keith started. Finally everything Lance had just said clicked. It had taken Keith a moment to process but now that he was...he realized he was leaving the person he loved most. And not only that...he was leaving lance to suffer alone with his cruel family. Keith felt the tears start coming and he stumbled into lance wrapping his arms around the other boy. Lance kissed Keith's hair, and tightly hugged him back.

Klance: It's all Pidge's FaultWhere stories live. Discover now