Gay Crises

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Lance put it simply...having a gay crises.

Keith...loved him. Keith was in love with him. Lance had never experienced that before. He had never had a person admit they liked him, let alone loved. It felt...good. Lance's whole life he had struggled to be feel accepted...and lying next to him was someone who loved and accepted him for just the way he was. Of course that someone happened to be a boy.

There was a lot of problems with Keith being in love with Lance.

1. The biggest reason...Lance had always thought he was straight, and Keith was trying to mess that up.

2. Lance was in love with Kara...wasn't he?

3. Keith and Lance could never be together. Not with school and Lance's family. It would never work...right?

But then there was one big reason that Lance was glad Keith was in love with him. Because Lance was maybe in love with him too.

"Fuck!" Lance whispered into the darkness, cheeks burning red. There was a part of him telling! No! You are not allowed to have those feelings! Lance didn't understand, he felt himself start to cry from the stress of it all. He tried to think through all of his crushes. Girls, girls, and girls. He had only ever liked girls. But then Lance thought about all the times he had flirted with guys. He had always found that just as fun as flirting with girls. And Lance had to admit maybe he had never had a crush on a real guy...but damn Edward Cullen sure was fine. Did Lance have a thing for pale skin? Keith had pale skin...

"No Lance stop it!" Lance ordered himself again, but even as he said it he couldn't help but glance down at the boy laying against him again. Keith had the darkest, thickest hair that shaped his face beautifully. His skin really was pale, and gorgeous shade of it. Keith almost seemed to glow. He had the longest, darkest eyelashes and his lips lined up perfectly with his nose. And Lance knew that I'd Keith were or open his eyes that Lance would be staring into a whirlwind of breathtaking purple.

And then there was the kissing. Lance had been lying next to sleeping Keith for the past 3 hours questioning his sexuality, but he had been trying to avoid that topic. Lance had to admit it though. Keith was an AMAZING kisser. Not only that Keith was just so good at being intimate in general. Lance wanted that again. He still craved for that. Which was weird because as much as he wanted to be with Kara...he didn't see himself being intimate with her. Maybe because he was still trying to be a gentleman to her?

But oh the way Keith would slide his tongue into Lance's, the way he would moan Lance's name...Lance wanted that again. Before lance has chosen to ignore trying to label whatever that feeling of wanting that again was. Because it surely wasn't a friend thing. Lance had been able to slide with calling it that when he thought Keith was straight...but no, feeling that way towards someone definitely wasn't a friend thing. Lance had to admit that to himself.

Shit, Lance had almost forgotten how they had agreed to stop. Lance still remembered there kiss in the janitors closet. That was another thing...Keith could be so charming too. The kiss in the closet was more fairly tale type. And Lance loved that too. Lance didn't know what he had been thinking when he had said he wanted to stop kissing Keith. His mind had been so wrapped up in fantasizing about Kara that it was almost if he had forgotten. And then Keith had reminded him.

That was another thing. With Kara it was mostly in Lance's imagination. Most of what they were stemmed from Lance's daydreams. And another thing was that she was like one of the only potential girls Lance could get with. So had Lance more just liked the idea of having a traditional relationship? Yeah he has kissed her like twice outside of rehearsal, but with Keith it was different. What Lance and Keith had was real. They knew what each other tasted like...they felt there connection, it wasn't all just in Lance's head.

That was yet another thing. Lance honestly like kissing Keith better than Kara.

"Fuck I love him too," Lance breathed out into the darkness, stroking Keith's hair. Maybe Lance was in love with Kara, but there was no denying it any further...he was just as much in love with Keith...maybe even more. Lance pulled out his phone quickly, typing in sexualities.

"Huh...bisexual. I think that might fit me," he whispered into the darkness. His pulse sped up, and he felt a bolt of nervous energy shoot through him. But for felt as if he had found his true self. The rest of the night lance spent looking up everything there was to know about being bi. All while stroking Keith's soft hair. Lance didn't know what the next step was...all he knew was that he wanted to take it with Keith,

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