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      "What do you want?" Keith spat, glaring up at the person he feared most at the school.

"You haven't heard to news yet have you?" Lotor sneered. Keith gulped. What was this about. Had Lotor found out he was Kara? Keith felt a million nerves shoot through him.

"Mr. Curtis was fired today..." Lotor hinted, popping an eyebrow. Keith gave him a confused look. What did this have to do with Keith? And why was Mr. Curtis fired? He was a great

"For sleeping with your brother," Lotor finished. Keith's eyes shot open. So this wasn't about Keith...it was about Shiro. Pidge began to tug on Keith's arm.

"Keith's let's go. We need to leave," Pidge started. Lance started pulling on Keiths other arm.

"She's right Keith, let's go," Lance added.

"It's rude to interrupt a conversation dears," Lotor laughed. Keith couldn't move. Couldn't breathe.

"Can we talk about this somewhere else?" Keith asked hesitantly, glancing at all the eyes still staring at him. Lotor grinned evilly.

"Why of course," he laughed, beginning to walk outside. Keith knew he had no option but to follow.

"You guys go have fun," Keith said, trying to make his face turn into a smile as he looked at all his friends. Hunk nodded.

"Be careful Keith," he said, before leading Shay onto the dance floor.

"No Keith...I'm coming with you. Shiro's like family, and I don't want you getting hurt," Pidge promised. Keith sighed knowing there was no arguing with her.

"I'm coming too," Lance said. Keith shook his head quickly. Keith knew one thing for sure...if Lance came Lotor would certainly use that to his advantage.

"No Lance, go with Hunk," Keith demanded. Lance shook his head quickly.

"You can't tell me what to do!" Lance cried, causing more eyes to turn there way. Keith sighed. There was no fighting Lance either.

           "I'm waiting," Lotor sang, holding the door open.

          "Fine," Keith growled heading outside, followed by Pidge and Lance.

            The group of them headed over to the side of the school.

            "Okay. Tell me what this is about!" Keith demanded. Lotor laughed wickedly.

             "This is about your reputation. Do you realize this will ruin you? It already has. I've had to endure you strutting about the school, threatening everyone with just your eyes. I won't lie when I say I've been impressed. But I've been waiting for this Keith. A chance to wedge my way in to where I come out on top. I'm sure you've wondered why I haven't spread rumors about you before. Why of course it was because I was waiting for the perfect opportunity," Lotor laughed. Keith felt his stomach churn with dreads

          "What do you mean?" He asked hesitantly.

          "Well I guess it's not really rumors is it...it's the truth. What I told everyone that is," Lotor chuckled.

           "Just tell me the fuck what it is!" Keith roared, feeling himself grow hotter with rage. Lance and Pidge looked at each other uncertain, not knowing what to do.

           "Why all I said was that your just like your brother. A sick, demented..."

            "Stop!" Yelled Pidge,"The only sick, demented one around here is you!"

Klance: It's all Pidge's FaultWhere stories live. Discover now