Rescue Missions

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Keith finally left Pidge's house Saturday afternoon. It had taken him all Friday night and all Saturday to learn how to do every kind of makeup and hairdo, and what was "to be expected of him." He felt pretty good on all of it, and he had never realized how cool eyeliner was. If he wasn't so afraid of his classmates he might even wear it to school.

When he got home, Keith explained everything to Shiro (although he left out the kissing Lance for "practice" part). Shiro seemed way less worried than Pidge. He was so excited for Keith, and kept telling him to, "Go for Lance!"

"Shiro! For the fucking last time...he's straight!" Keith had yelled, causing Shiro to roll his eyes. After that conversation Keith was so worn out that he crashed on the couch. He slept all the way until Sunday afternoon. Then he realized that the next day he would be going on a flight to New York and he had to pack. Shiro helped him, and eventually Keith got everything together. He was so nervous, but he made sure to get a good nights sleep. He got into bed at 7pm, already worn out just from all the packing.

Well at least he thought he was going to get a good sleep, that was until Lance texted him. Then, everything changed.

Lonce: Hey Keith.

Mullet: hey?

Lonce: I was wondering if I could come over?

Lonce: I totally get it if you say no!

Lonce: it's just...something happened.

Mullet: No! Of course! Come over! Do you need me to come get you?

Lonce: Maybe. Are you sure that's okay?

Mullet: Ofc! Lance are you okay?


Lonce: no.

Mullet: !!!

Mullet: I'm coming. You don't live far so I'll be there really quick! Hang in there!

Lonce: Can you come get me from my window? I'm afraid to go out the front.

Lonce: Sorry again.

Mullet: STOP. You have nothing to be sorry for! Otw!

    Keith rushed out the front door, and grabbed his motorcycle frantically. His mind was racing. What had happened to Lance? Was he okay? Keith cursed himself, he had been so caught up in his own world lately, that he had forgot to make sure Lance was okay. Clearly he was going through shit right now, and the only person he had trusted in telling that to was Keith. Keith should have sympathized more. Keith should have been better at listening to him.

He would fix things. Now. 

    He glanced down at his phone one more time to make sure he had the address right, then zoomed off into the night and towards Lance. He was there even quicker than he had expected. As Keith quietly parked his bike on the side of the road, he gazed curiously at the house.

    So this was where Lance lived. It was really big and painted a nice blue color. It seemed so happy. It seemed so Lance. But inside things weren't that way, inside there was pain. It broke Keith's heart.

    Keith quietly snuck around back, to where Lance had described his window to be. Keith looked around, awkwardly. He had left his phone at his motorcycle and there were no pebbles to throw. He spotted a few thin twigs and realized they were his best bet. He carefully picked one up, and chucked it and the window. Then another. And another.

    Finally he saw a head pop out.

    "Keith?" A voice whispered.

     "Down here," Keith whispered back. Lance looked down and the two boys made eye contact. Although Keith could barely see him from where he was.

    Lance began to climb out the window, causing Keith's adrenaline to grow. What if he fell?

   "Lance be carefu..."


    Lance had slipped and he was falling. Of course.

Keith panicked, throwing open his arms. Thankfully Lance crashed into him. It sent them both flying towards the ground and rolling through the dirt til they landed with Keith pinning Lance to the ground.

    Both of their eyes grew wide. Keith was glad it was dark so Lance couldn't see how much he was blushing. But with them chest to chest, Keith was sure Lance had to know how fast his heart was pounding. They were just inches apart. Keith desperately wanted to close that gap, but he couldn't. If he did something stupid like that now he would probably do it again with Kara. But before he could think about it any longer, Keith felt himself being pulled Lance!

"Lance?" Keith breathed before his lips pressed into Keith's. Keith gasped with delight, and began to kiss back eagerly.

"," Lance whispered into between kisses.

"No problem," Keith promised, cupping Lance's face. Lance began to inch his arms up to Keith's back.

"Good caught me," he said breathlessly.

"Yeah," Keith agreed, before gasping as Lance ran his long flexible fingers through Keith's dark mullet. Keith kissed even harder, starting to push his was into Lance's mouth.

"Wait!" Lance said suddenly. Keith pulled back faster than lighting, worried he'd gone too far.

"Sorry!" He started, causing Lance to laugh, and lay his head back onto the grass.

"Keith, that's's just we probably shouldn't be doing this in the middle of my backyard when my dad already hates me enough," Lance explained.

"Oh," Keith laughed, sounding extremely relieved. Because he was.

"Yeah," Lance giggled, causing Keith to laugh harder. He slowly rolled himself off Lance and got up, then he held out his hand with a smile. Lance gladly took it, getting pulled to his feet.

"Alright, let's get out of here," Keith said, with a determined scowl. He was done with kisses and giggles, he had to get Lance away from here. Lance nodded, meeting his eyes.

"Yeah," he replied darkly. Then Keith was riding off into the night with Lance's strong arms wrapped around him tightly. They snuck into Keith's house quietly so they wouldn't wake Shiro. When they quietly closed the door to Keith's room and it was just the two of them, Lance finally felt safe. He hadn't felt that sense of security, of peacefulness in a while, but all of a sudden it hit him as he watched Keith kick off his shoes.

Then Keith began to pull up his shirt, revealing strong abs and muscles that he did a good job of hiding. Lance couldn't look away.

Then Keith began to unzip his pants, kicking them off as well. Along with his gloves and socks. He finally glanced at Lance, his eyes growing wide as he realized the other boy was staring intently at him.

Lance felt his face heat up as he realized he had no excuse. It was kinda obvious that he had been staring at Keith because he was so damn fine. He realized he had two options. Either he could try to come up with a stuttering explanation, or he could take charge.

Lance felt his pulse quicken, and a warm buzz filled his body. He felt his eyes keep sliding away from Keith's intense gaze, to his lips. To his body. He didn't know what had come over him, but it was the same thing from when Keith had been laying on top of him. Desire? Lance didn't want to think about whatever it was...he just wanted to do something about it.

Lance took in a shivery breath as he chose the second option.

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