The Dance

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       It was the night of the dance. Everything had been going smoothly. There last rehearsal had gone well, and Lance had seemed at peace. Keith felt a little bad though. Lance was just expecting all of them to meet at Pidge's house, and for him to find his beautiful date waiting on him. Then Keith would tell him Kara was sick and Lance would be so disappointed. He really hoped it wouldn't worry Lance's night. At least Hunk and Shay would be there to cheer him up.

      Keith slipped on his suit, fixed his hair, and before he knew it he was ready.

      "Awl Keith...look at you!! You really have come so far!" Shiro smiled, when Keith stepped out into the living room. Keith rolled his eyes embarrassed.

       "Have a fun time Keith, I love you," Shiro told him, giving him a right hug.

       "I love you too Shiro," Keith replied. At that he headed over to Pidge's. When he got there he found Shay, Hunk, Pidge, Matt, and Allura all in the living room smiling and chatting.

      "Awl Keith! You look so handsome!" Allura cheered when Keith entered the room. Matt put his hand to his heart looking at Keith as if he was his brother too. Shay waved a shy hello, and Hunk gave Keith a wide grin. Pidge smiled and ran up to hug him.

        "Thanks for being my date," she said. Keith laughed.

        "Why wouldn't I be? We are every year, it's not like anything's changed," Keith laughed. Keith heard the door open behind him, and they all turned to see Lance walk in looking absolutely gorgeous. Keith felt his feet began to melt beneath him. Lance was just so handsome and charming.

       "Where's Kara?" Lance beamed. They all gave each other a hesitant look, before Pidge stepped forward.

       "Lance...she's not coming," Pidge whispered out. Immediately the room went from cheerful to gloom. Everyone saw the grin on Lance's face melt off.

       "Oh...I...I should have expected this," he whispered. Keith went up to him quickly, putting his hand on Lance's shoulder. Forcing the boy to look up at him.

       "Lance it isn't what you think. Kara's sick. Her parents called me. She has a high fever and needs to rest before the big day tomorrow," Keith explained quickly. At that Lance's sorrow shifted into a relived sigh. Keith could still see disappointment on Lance's face, but at least Lance didn't look like he was going to crumble in on himself any more.

        "Oh! Well, I hope she gets better! Dang...right before the play!" Lance exclaimed.

        "Don't worry, Kara's tough...she'll be okay before the play...I know it!" Keith promised.

         "And Lance don't let this ruin the dance for you! We came still have a really fun time!" Hunk cheered. Lance nodded.

        "Of course!" He promised, a smile back on his face. His smile was contagious, soon the room was back in a cheerful mood.

         "Okay then....let's just get some group pictures and then you guys better get going!" Matt said. Shay and Hunk stood up from where they were sitting at came over to Lance, Keith, and Pidge. Keith felt Lance begin to wrap his arm around Lance's shoulder, and Keith did the same. He was sandwiched between Lance and Pidge...grinning like an idiot. 

          Matt snapped a few photos and then it was time to go. Everyone piled into Hunk's car that he had brought. It was bright yellow, and had just enough room for all of them.

        "I don't even know how we would have managed this if Kara had come," Lance admitted hopping in. Shay and Hunk sat up front while Keith piled in to the middle seat between Lance and Pidge in the back. He had been close to Lance many times by now. He had kissed him, he had felt the boy's hands wrapped around his waist on the motorcycle, yet Keith still felt a nervous tingle at the thought that there shoulders were touching.

          The dance was at the girls school, a place Keith wasn't very familiar with. The drive there was pretty short and before he knew it Keith was getting out of the car, and walking towards the dance with all his friends. Keith could already hear the music from inside, and he couldn't help but look over at Lance. He really hoped he would get to dance with him. Even if he didn't Keith didn't think there was anyway this might could be anything expect perfect.

          But then Keith stepped into the dance and felt a million eyes on him and him alone. All of his friends turned to look at him curiously but he was just as confused. Everyone whispered and pointed and Keith felt his face grow hot. And then a smirking face strutted up to him looking a little to pleased with himself. Lotor.

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