Wtf did I just agree to?

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      Keith began to accelerate on his motorcycle, feeling cool wind blow through his jet black hair. His eyes gleamed with delight, as he continued on, a rush of adrenaline flowing through his chest. When Keith was on his motorcycle, he He forgot all his cares in the world, and focused on the beating of his heart.

          Sometimes Keith wished that he could ride forever. He wished he never had to have a destination, but that all he could do was fly forward on the bike forever.

           Keith groaned in agitation, as he saw his destination for the day pop into view. Garrison High School. Against his will, he turned the motorcycle down the road that let to the private boy's school.

      Keith quickly found a parking spot, amongst the other countless cars already parked. Most of his schoolmates were in second period by now. Keith shook out his hair, and straightened his red, cropped jacket. He frowned as he began to walk towards the main office. He glanced longingly back at his bike, wishing he could just hop back on.

No, he couldn't do that today. Today was different. Usually Keith would ride to school, walk away from his motorcycle, then change his mind and get back on. It had led to many absences. Most people thought Keith missed school to go cause trouble, and that Keith was the scariest guy at the private school. The truth was, Keith was actually terrified of them.

When he had still been at public school, he had gone through years of abuse from schoolmates. His parents had abandoned him when he was little, leaving his older brother to take care of him. Well his half brother, Shiro. Shiro had the same dad as Keith, but had lived with his mom his whole life. When Keith's parents went out of the picture, Shiro had stepped in. Keith had learned early on that he didn't deserve Shiro, so he had stopped caring about trying to be perfect. He realized he could never measure up to what anyone wanted him to be. The bullies had made sure to make Keith feel alone, and that he didn't matter.

It had molded him, and turned Keith into who he was today. Completely stone cold. He always wore a scowl on his face, and had a dangerous gleam in his eye. Daring anyone to cross his path.

The only two people he cared about in the world were Shiro and Pidge. Everyone else got the silent treatment. Even to Shiro and Pidge he distanced himself. Maybe he was afraid of losing them too. Maybe Keith was so afraid of losing people he didn't want anyone to begin with.

Keith sighed, trying to push all those thoughts out of his head. He had gone a few months without being suicidal, and he didn't need to go spiraling downhill again.

Anyone that passed Keith in the hallways, and glanced at his badass scar, his fiery purple eyes, his painted black fingernails, and long boots would never suspect that Keith cried every night. He did though. Every single night. When he would finally fall asleep it was even worse. The nightmares crept up his spine. Every. Single. Night.

Keith continued to walk towards the main office, dreading what was to come. It was a behavior meeting, addressing Keith's bad behavior at school. That and the fact that he did his best not to show up for school in the first place.

Keith wasn't a good student. He had stopped caring after middle school. After the bullies. That's when his grades slipped, and so did Keith. Keith always wished he hadn't had been the target for bullies back then, but there was just too much reason for him to be.

They were jealous that Keith had Shiro. They made fun of Keith for not having parents. They made fun of Keith for his first crush. Which was a guy. Keith could have taken the cursing, and harsh comments bleeding into his ears. What he couldn't take was when they started to push him. Hit him. Make him run their errands which always got Keith in trouble. Abuse him. Sexually assault him. Keith could never forget that. It had been one of the kid's older brothers. Keith had tried to run away, but he hadn't been able to. The next thing he knew he was crying to Shiro. He had came clean about everything.

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