Study Group.

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     "Oh hey Keith! Come on in!" Matt beamed. Keith gave him an awkward smile. He had always liked Pidge's older brother, but he had always been shy around him. Maybe it was the fact that Keith might have a had a teeny crush on him the first time he met him. He had quickly pushed those feelings away. No only because he had made a vow to himself never to have feelings for anyone, but also because Matt was 24, Pidge's brother, and straight with a beautiful girlfriend. Her name was Allura.

When Keith went in the familiar house he smelled chocolate chip cookies baking.

"Im making cookies for all you hungry teenagers!" Matt laughed.

"Thanks," Keith chuckled, "Do you know where they're all at?"

"Pidge's room," Matt said. Keith nodded.


Keith sighed as he made go way up the stairs, thinking about Pidge's comment from a few days ago.

"Oh just some people in my study group," Pidge had said to him about her new friends. Yet she wouldn't tell him who.

       Keith was nervous. Yes, he appeared tough and not afraid of anyone. That was all a cover though. Keith was always nervous when he met knew people. He knew most people didn't like him, but it still hurt. He just hoped this study group wouldn't be too bad. I could it be worse that having to be Lance's Juliet?

      Lance McClain...fuck. Keith still remembered the first time he had met the other boy. It had been his freshman year. Lance he been in his first period class, and Keith had sat next to him.

      Lance had been so nice to Keith the first few days of school. Keith would always go home repeating the short conversations they had through his head. He would remember how Lance's blue eyes twinkled when he got excited, and how soft his brown hair looked. He thought that Lance was beautiful.

     Then he had realized what was happening. Keith realized he had begun to develop feelings for another boy. Keith had just made the vow to lock away his heart that very summer. Unlike his silly fanboy tiny crush on Matt that Keith had avoided, his crush on Lance had been a disaster waiting to happen. If Keith hadn't locked away his heart when he did, he knew he would have fallen in love with the other boy. Of course, he didn't admit that to himself.

      So instead, Keith began being distant from the other boy, and the conversations went from being short to nonexistent. At the same time, Keith has realized he could beat people up until they learned their lesson. He realized he didn't have to keep trying to be the good kid. That's when Lance had turned on him.

      Keith knew that Lance had always been jealous of Keith's good grades. When Lance would get a 95 on a test that he had studied hours for, Keith would make a 100 without even trying. Lance despised him for it, and he couldn't see why Keith disregarded any skill he had.

     Keith was probably one of the smartest people in the school yet he was failing most classes. Keith could get any girl he wanted yet he had never had a girlfriend. Keith had the most successful brother ever, yet completely ignored his rules. Those were the thoughts that would echo through Lance's mind.

     So Lance decided to put Keith in his place. Keith remembered the day the blue eyed boy had turned on him. It was the first day he had chosen not to wear his uniform.

     "Hey mullet! Why aren't you wearing the required outfit to meet the school's requirements? Do I need to report you?" Lance had warned.

     "Who do you think you are to talk to me that way?!" Keith had demanded. Lance had stood his ground.

Klance: It's all Pidge's FaultKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat