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When Keith woke up, he realized his head was on Lance's shoulder. Shit. He quickly pulled away, and groggily glanced at his surroundings. Lance turned to him smiling.

"You basically slept through the whole flight. We're about to land soon," Lance explained. Keith nodded.

"Good," he said. Lance grinned.

"Kara, I'll miss you," Lance sighed, looking out the window again. Keith flinched.

"Oh please, you'll see me tomorrow at practice," Keith told him. Lance shrugged.

"It won't be the same though. We'll be busy, and our other friends will be there. We probably won't really get to talk, you know?" Lance asked.

"I guess," Keith said.

"Well hey, would you maybe wanna hang out afterwards? Go get dinner or something?" Lance blushed. Keith felt his pulse speed. Oh no. Not this again.

"I thought you had study group afterwards. That's what Pidge told me," Keith quickly let out. Lance quirked an eyebrow.

"Oh? So you've been asking about me haven't you?" Lance flirted. Keith rolled his eyes.

"No! It just happened to come up in conversation! Anyway, you'll be busy! So just forget it," Keith insisted.

"Well I mean I could always skip study group, but I don't want to pressure you into going. If you don't want to go that's cool," Lance promised. Keith nodded and turned away. He had to be more careful. If he wanted Lance's feelings to fade away, he had to make sure he faded away. That wasn't going to happen if Kara and Lance were hanging out all the time; going on dates and stuff.

"Yeah, I mean...I think I'll probably just be really tired," Keith explained. That wasn't a lie. Lance smiled and nodded.

"Okay! Sounds good. Oh! Hey! Look the plane is about to land!" Lance squealed. Keith looked out the window and smiled. This trip hadn't gone well exactly as planned, but at least Keith had made it through without a complete catastrophe.

       When the plan landed, Keith groggily got out and stumbled into the main area. Lance followed behind.

       "Well, I guess this is goodbye. See you tomorrow," Keith smiled. Lance nodded.

        "See you Kara," He said, grinning. Keith nodded then headed off to the bathroom to go change. He made sure to make sure Lance was nowhere near, then he stepped in and got prepared to go back to the real world.

*Sorry for the short chapter, I've been VERY busy*

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