One last Practice

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Rehearsal later that day was the same as usual. Keith refused to say his lines right because he was just so sick of the whole play. He felt like it was going to ruin his life, and his relationship with Lance. He didn't get how Lance could look at him him with goo goo eyes every single rehearsal, when Kara was nothing but mean to him. Keith didn't want to be mean to Lance, but he felt like it was his only choice. If Kara got close to Lance, then Keith wouldn't be able to help himself. If Lance kissed Kara when they weren't on stage, Keith knew he would kiss back. That's why he had to stay away.

At the same time, Keith began to get closer to Lance and the rest of the gang in study group, and at lunch. Lance began to flirt with him more, and Keith couldn't help but flirt back. He knew Lance flirted with everyone, and that it didn't mean anything, but Keith couldn't help but smile.

Finally, it was Thursday afternoon, and rehearsal was just ending.

"Alright you two, remember what I said. We're going over the kissing scene tomorrow! If I were you I would practice!" Ms. Fran insisted.

"Are you sure you don't want to?" Lance asked, cautiously. Kara nodded quickly.

"Absolutely. Goodbye Lance, I hope you get run over by a car before tomorrow!" Kara yelled, walking away. Keith heard Lance sigh behind him.

After study group was over, Keith began walking over to his house, when Lance ran up to him.

"Hey," he blurted. Keith turned around, confused.

"Oh hey Lance, what's up? Do you need to stay at my place tonight again?" Keith wondered. Lance shook his head.

"'s something else," he muttered. Keith quirked an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Actually...I'm in love with you! I have been since freshman year when you moved here! I only pretended to hate you all those years, and I only pretend to like girls! Keith, Kara's not my are!!" Lance yelled in Keith's imagination. Keith sighed, he wanted Lance to love him back so bad. He wanted Lance to be his. He wanted Lance to...

"Did you hear me?" Asked Lance, zoning Keith back in.

"I said did you hear me?" Lance asked nervously.

" Sorry, I think I zoned out," Keith admitted sheepishly. Lance did a nervous chuckle, and scratched the back of his neck.

"Well...I was wondering if...we could practice kissing again. Just one more time. I'm feeling anxious about tomorrow, and I just want to make sure I'm okay on it," Lance admitted. Keith's face burned with euphoria.

"Yes!" He yelled, wayyyyy to eager.

"I..I mean sure! I'd be happy to help!" Keith coughed out. Lance's eyes grew wide.

"Really?! Thank you so much Keith!" Lance cheered.

"Yeah...sure, it's fine," Keith said," you want to come in my house real quick? So we're not kissing in the middle of Pidge's yard where this whole homophobic neighborhood can see?"

"Good idea," Lance chuckled. Keith awkwardly led Lance inside his house.

    "Hey Keith! Oh! Uh...hey Lance!" Shiro called from the kitchen where he seemed to be cooking dinner. Keith halted. Since Shiro had been gone on work trips and been working late lately, Keith had forgotten how early Shiro could come. Keith blushed a dark scarlet. What was he supposed to do? Just lead Lance into his bedroom, kiss, and then pretend it never happened? Keith could have easily done that if it was just the two of them here, but with Shiro in just the other room...

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