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When Keith woke up he found himself laying on his couch, with a familiar face giving him a look of concern.

"Shiro?" Asked Keith. Shiro smiled a sad smile. He looked like was about to cry.

"How did I get here? What time is it?" Keith asked.

"Lance called me. I came and picked you up from the dance. Lance is here too. He's gonna stay the night. He's taking a shower right now," Shiro explained. Keith nodded groggily.

"Keith," Shiro continued, "I'm so sorry."

         "Shiro stop!" Keith said, sitting up.

          "This wasn't your fault. Lotor was just waiting for a chance to do this, if it hadn't had been this it would have been something else," Keith promised, grabbing a hold of Shiro's hand. Shiro looked down ashamed.

"Keith I'm a terrible excuse for a parent. You've been through so much shit in life and I haven't been able to help you. And now I'm only adding to it..." Shiro started.

"Shiro stop! If it weren't for you I would be you hear me?! You're the only thing...the only person I cared about enough to stay...the only person I knew cared about me back. So shut the fuck up with not being a good parent. I've had some of my best times with you. Just because I happened to go to school with fucked up kids doesn't make it your fault. And this little incident isn't your fault either. I'll be fine...okay?" Keith said. Shiro finally looked up at his younger brother.

"Do you mean that Keith?" Shiro sniffled. Keith smiled, opening his arms for a hug.

"Of course I do. You're my brother. You're my hero. I love you so much," Keith promised, squeezing Shiro tightly. They finally both pulled away, each feeling the tiniest bit better. Then Shiro's face went to a look of concern again.

"So what should I do to make things better?" Shiro asked.

"I think the next step is talking to Lance. I think it's time I explain some things," admitted Keith. Just as he said it, as almost if he had heard his name, Lance walked in hesitantly. Keith gasped when he saw him, Lance's eye had turned purple. Keith jumped up from the couch and rushed over to Lance lightly placing his thumb below the bruised spot.

"Lance I'm so sorry. I should never have gotten you into that mess. It was my fight. And your performance is tomorrow!" Keith cried. Lance chuckled lightly.

"I'm okay Keith...don't worry about it. Romeo got into fights too...who's to say he didn't have a scar?" Lance teased. Keith rolled his eyes. Shiro cleared his voice behind them.

"Uh...I guess I'll go take a shower. Goodnight boys," he said.

"Goodnight Shiro," they both sang back. Then Keith turned back to Lance, and he couldn't help but grin at Lance's sunshine face. The black eye didn't make Lance any less attractive. Instead it was a reminder of how selfless and courageous Lance was. Without warning Keith grabbed a hold of Lance, and squeezed him tightly.

"Oh!" Lance cried, as Keith gave him the biggest hug in the world. Lance smiled and eased into the hug himself. Keith could feel the warmness of Lance's chest, the beating of his heart. He had never felt so connected to anyone in his life. It was almost as if the warmness in Lance radiated over to Keith.

Finally when they both pulled away, Lance was surprised to see Keith wearing a look of concern.

"Come on," was all the mullet head said, grabbing Lance's arm and dragging him to his room. When they entered, Keith shut the door behind them and then sat down on the bed putting his hands in his hair. Lance sat down next to him curiously.

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