Tea Time

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Keith stared at himself in the mirror. No...he stared at Kara in the mirror. He looked at her with disdain.

"I hate you. Just know...that your days are limited. He's mine," Keith said to himself. Keith knew he probably looked crazy, but this whole switching identities had taken such a tole on his feelings he didn't care anymore. He had a plan. The night of the dance Kara would be sick. Lance would have no other option than to hang with his friends the whole time. Maybe Keith could even steal a dance. Then of course there would be the play the next day. It would be fun and everyone would be happy that Kara had recovered. Things would end off good between Lance and Kara, and then she would just disappear. Lance would be sad yes...but not completely heartbroken. And who would be there for him? Keith. Keith would be his shoulder to cry on, and because Lance wouldn't feel guilty any more...maybe he would start kissing Keith again. It all almost sounded to perfect.

Keith took another deep breath than made his way to rehearsal. Lance caught his eye has he walked in, giving Kara a huge grin. Keith couldn't help but smile back.

"Alright everyone...places for the top!" Ms. Fran called out. The rehearsal went smoothly, even thought Keith was nervous for the kiss...but when the scene finally came, Lance and Keith nailed the kiss. Keith just had to remember. He wasn't Kara...he was Juliet.

"Nice kiss," Lance teased after rehearsal was over and Kara was beginning to leave.

"Yeah, back at ya," Kara laughed, then starting making her way towards the door again.

"Wait! Are you sure you don't want to do anything? We could go get ice cream or..." Lance started.

"I'll see you at tomorrow's rehearsal and the one after that...and then I'll see you at the dance Lance," Kara explained.

"Wait! At the dance?! But I thought we were going together!" Lance admitted, hurt.

"Okay then...where do you want to meet?" Kara sighed.

"I can pick you up?"


"We can meet up with Pidge and Keith and go with them at like Pidge's house?"

"Sure," Kara said flatly, and at that she left.

Before he knew it Keith was out of disguise and walking up the stairs of his house. That's when he heard a voice behind him.

"Uh uh uh Mister...where do you think you're going. I might have cancelled study group today but you have some explaining to do," Pidge demanded. Keith groaned as he turned around.

"Fine...come on up."

When Keith and Pidge entered the house, Shiro was already home. He gave them both a look.

"Tea's about to be spilled isn't it?" He questioned. Pidge smirked.

"Make us real tea and I'll fill you in too," Keith said, as he and Pidge made there way to the table.

"Deal," Shiro chuckled. Keith started telling Pidge the whole New York story while Shiro made the tea since Keith had already filled Shiro in on all that.

           "Keith...I'm worried for you," Pidge admitted when he was done.

           "I know....I know, but trust me I've got a plan," Keith promised as Shiro set down there hot tea and himself as well. Then Keith began to tell him his whole master plan he had come up with.

         "So I will have a date to the dance?" Pidge questioned. Keith chuckled.

          "Yes, Kara will most certainly not be going," Keith promised. Shiro sighed.

          "It really is a good plan Keith, but what about after the play? You really think Lance is just gonna let you disappear?" Shiro asked. Keith nodded in understanding.

           "I think maybe I'll leave him a note. Right after the play is over I'll get changed out of everything as soon as possible so Lance won't be able to find Kara ever again...but I'll leave him a not from Kara. Maybe explaining like how she feels and maybe she has to move away so that was the last time Lance saw her. That way Lance knows it wasn't him?" Keith asked. Shiro and Pidge nodded.

          "That sounds good," Pidge said.

          "You've really thought this through," Shiro added, nodding in approval, then he began to chuckle.

          "I still can't believe you've managed all this without Lance realizing your gay, Kara, or in love with him," Shiro chuckled. Keith laughed along too.

        "Well, he's in a fanfiction, that's why," Pidge said. Shiro and Keith looked at her curiously.

         "What?" They both asked. Pidge smiled.

         "Nothing," she promised.

         "Okay. I just have to make it through the rest of this week and I'll be fine. I couldn't do it without you two, I love you both so much," Keith told them. At that they group hugged it out, and tea time was over.

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