Lance McClain's First Kiss

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Keith sighed as Pidge finished his eyeliner. It was Monday afternoon. School had just ended, and it was time for rehearsal. The rehearsal where Lance would learn he was going to kiss Kara much sooner than he had expected.

"Pidge I messed up," Keith sighed, as Pidge began to apply more blush.

"What do you mean?" She asked calmly.

"I told Lance that Kara liked him," Keith admitted, biting his lip.

"What?! Why would you say that? You're not considering going out with him as Kara are you? That would just get both of you hurt!" Pidge insisted.

"No! It's not that at all!" Keith sighed,"Lance was feeling down, and he was saying how he had never had a girlfriend. Apparently there's this rumor around the school that I've pulled a lot of girls or something, and Lance was bummed out about not having anyone like him or something. So I panicked and I thought of the first girl I could think of besides you. I just didn't want him to feel lonely, or unloved. Because I know how that feels," Keith confessed. Pidge sighed.

"Done," she said, standing up.

"Look Keith, just be careful...I'm serious," Pidge sighed. Keith nodded, glumly.

The next thing he knew, he was standing on stage with Lance, going over the same scene they had worked on before. Although this time Lance was looking at him differently. Shit. Keith said the lines the same, with no emotion. Making Lance and Ms. Fran irritated. Although Lance seemed to have a lot more patience today.

After a strenuous rehearsal, Ms. Fran finally sighed and held up her hands.

"Alright you two, rehearsals over. We still have A LOT of work to do. Kara, you need to work on your acting. Maybe go watch the movie for inspiration? Or have your family practice with you?'re not Kara you're..."

"Juliet, I know," Kara interrupted, annoyed. Ms. Fran sighed.

"Okay then. Well, before I let you two go, I wanted to inform you both that we will be blocking the kiss scene on Friday. If I were you I would get together and practice before you have to do it in front of me and Pidge. It will make things less awkward for all of us, I promise you that. Alright, you're dismissed!" Ms. Fran finished. Lance turned hesitantly toward Kara, gathering courage.

"So, you ready for this kiss scene? When do you want to get together and practice?" Lance asked, strutting up to Kara. Kara glared.

"Friday. During rehearsal," she said. Lance's eyes widened.

"Did you not hear Ms. Fran?! She wants us to practice alone first!" Lance insisted. Kara rolled her eyes.

"Well sorry, but I'm not a teachers pet like you. I'll kiss you on stage, and on stage only. Goodbye Mr. McClain," Kara finished, walking away. Lance was left alone on stage, gawking at her.

Keith hoped he had succeeded in convincing Lance that Kara didn't like him. He realized that if Lance developed feelings for Kara, he would have no clue what to do. He wouldn't be able to control himself. He had to put an end to it all before things got complicated.

These were Keith's thoughts, as he pulled up at Pidge's house for another study group session. He waved to Allura and Matt as he went in, and walked upstairs. He found Pidge in her room, working on her invention.

"How do you always get back from rehearsal so fast?" Wondered Keith. She shrugged as she tinkered.

"Well I don't have to change out of a dress and wig, and then scrub my face dry with makeup wipes," Pidge told him.

Klance: It's all Pidge's FaultWhere stories live. Discover now