Sally noticed how Merrill pushed off the door, not quite ready to approach her though. "Are you gonna fuck me or just stand there?" Sally taunted her, hoping to get a reaction out of her. Merrill was certainly willing to fulfill that wish too but she wanted to tease her first. "What if I don't feel like it?" She mutters.

"I doubt that. Why else would you bring me up here? But if that's the case... then at least tell me what you would've wanted me to do to you" Sally voices. "Fine. I'll show you" she smirked, walking over to the blonde and stopping right in front of her. Her confidence mainly stemming from her amusement that Sally thought she'd top her.

Sally looked up, ashing her cigarette on the the dresser and lazily discarding it. "First... I'd tell you to touch me" she dragged Sally's hand up to her waist and let it rest there. Positioning herself to straddle her and almost shuddering in surprise. I definitely didn't expect that but... I'm not mad at it. "I'd say you can trust me..." she says as her hands rest on Sally's shoulders.

Sally is taken off guard at the strong feeling she has to surrender to Merrill. How can such a sweet woman render her defenseless? "Tell you you're my one and only and everything will be fine... pumpkin" she smiles lightly as her hips start a slow rhythm against the blonde's. Sally's hands moving down to Merrill's hips as she weakens.

"Then I'd touch your hair... and your chest..." Merrill's hand following shortly after her words as it ventures further down Sally's body. Sally closes the gap between them and captures Merrill's lips with her own. Merrill immediately reciprocates the embrace and grinds down a bit harder.

Sally moans softly into the kiss and grips the woman's hips a bit tighter. Her nails digging into her sides gently, causing Merrill to sigh contently. They pull away and Merrill's eyes stay closed as she nibbles on her lip. Her mind flashing with some of her previous escapades. "Merrill... look at me" Sally mumbles, the brunette's eyes flutter open at the command.

Her gaze flickering between the brown orbs in front of her. Her hand on Sally's thigh reaching further up until she can feel the strap. "Then I'd shove my hand down your panties and make you cry" she growls and Sally picks her up. Merrill lightly thrashing in her hands yet simultaneously making no attempt to get away.

Sally throws her harshly against the bed making Merrill gasp. The blonde crawls on top of her and roughly kisses her. "Is that what you want, you slut?" Sally growls as she kisses down Merrill's neck. Ripping open her dress before she can even respond. Merrill claws at Sally's covered back as her body lights on fire.

"Yes... yesss. Don't stop, please don't stop" she moans. Sally pulls away to look down at the brunette, amusement flickering in her eyes. Merrill looks up at her hesitantly, her mind reminding her of all the other encounters she's had like this. She pushes it aside and smirks instead, hiding all her doubts.

Flipping them over so she's on top and looking down at Sally. "You like that?" She whispers breathily, in slight shock Sally can only nod. Merrill's smirk widens, "fuck" she moans. Eagerly leaning down to connect their lips, this time being even more rough. Intending to use this night to satiate some of her wildest fantasies.

As she bucks her hips faster she feels herself soaking through her dress. Without warning Sally flips her over harshly. Pulling a knife out her coat pocket before discarding the garment onto the floor. Merrill just watches her in amazement, knowing in any other circumstance she might be terrified.

But in this moment, her arousal has seemed to hit its peak. Sally cuts off the woman's dress and throws the tattered pieces to the ground. Ripping off her own dress and throwing it across the room in a hurry. She places the knife carelessly on the bed next to them. Beginning her attack of kisses on the body of the woman beneath her.

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