Carina's pov

I've been pacing a hole in our bedroom floor for the last half an hour or so. Why didn't she leave a message? She literally could've sent someone to tell me, anything! I'm past the point of being sad or worried and moved straight into anger. I mean, yes, I'm worried about her but I'm angry she didn't tell me anything. Then there's that little voice in the back of my head like always. What if she died? I don't even think it's possible for her to die honestly. Then again what if she did, I don't want my last possible living memory of her to be me angry.

Something had to have happened and when she comes back- IF she comes back- WHEN she comes back, she'll tell me. The sound of our door opening causes me to abruptly turn around on my heels. I see her standing there with a guilty smile and I run to jump into her arms. She chuckles and holds me tightly, "I take it you missed me" she giggles. "You bitch! You just left without a note or anything" I exclaim as I jump down. "Well that took a quick turn" she laughs before heading over to the bed and falling on it.

"What happened?" I ask softer as I lay next to her and wrap my arms around her waist. She tells me the whole story from the mercenary this morning to the, almost, fight. "Holy fuck... I'm glad you're ok. Gosh you had me worried" I sigh hugging onto her tightly. "I've told you countless times, you don't need to worry about me" she replies softly. "And I've told you even more that I'm always going to worry about you! I love you, you idiot. Plus you're always getting yourself in dangerous situations, I have a right to be worried" I remind her.

"I wouldn't say 'dangerous' maybe a little... hectic but nothing I can't handle" she reasons. "Baby..." I say, "ok ok. Maybe it was a little dangerous" she sighs. "Were you scared?" I ask her and she's quiet for a few seconds. "Only a little. I was worried about you" she sighs. "How cute" I roll my eyes and she pinches me gently. "You almost let me a widow" I say half-joking. "At the most I would've been scratched up, nothing major" she says.

"Honey you don't even know those people. Together they could've been capable of... anything. I know you've taken a whole army and what not but those were people are basically regular. These are trained 'superheros' and renegades. I'm glad Thor and Loki came though, even if they did bring Banner" I giggle. "He is a little runty one, isn't he?" She chuckles deeply, "he's something, for sure" I reply.

"I'm glad I'm back" she whispers, "me too" I reply. "I love you" she expresses, "I love you too" I smile. "Though, if you ever pull some shit like that again, I'll kill you with my bare hands" I tell her. "Now that... I'm actually terrified of" she says, "yeah right" I giggle. "I'm serious. I made a vow that there's one person I'd never fight..." she says. "Your wife?" I offer, smiling goofily at her. "The sexiest, most kind, intelligent, badass woman in the universe... I'm just lucky enough that I get to call her my wife" says.

"Shut it, will you?" I tell her as I lean in to kiss her softly. "I love you more than anything, I hope you know that" I whisper, "I do. I love you more than-" "death" I interject. "Well..." she squints and looks off like she's thinking. I scoff playfully and try to move out of her grip but she pulls me in tighter. "I would give everything up for you. Everything" she says sincerely. "Even the kingdom?" I ask trying not to giggle, "oh without a second thought" she replies.

"Even if it meant Thor would rule?" I continue, "alright maybe you're going a little far now" she jokes. I giggle and bury my face in her neck, taking in her scent. "The scummy old coot would be proud of you" I whisper. "You think so?" She asks softly, "absolutely. But not more then me" I lean up to look her in the eyes. "That's all I care about anyway" she whispers, "as you should" I say funnily causing us both to laugh.

"You are not to leave this bed for the next 3 hours, at minimum. That's an order" I mumble into her neck as I lay on top of her. I feel her shiver and the hairs on her neck stand up a bit. "An order, huh? All I have to do is wait til you fall asleep" she quips. "Don't underestimate my grip" I say holding her tighter than before. "Yes ma'am. No leaving the bed" she says sternly.

"You're a mess" I chuckle, "at least I'm a hot mess" she replies funnily. "Very true" I giggle, "go to sleep, baby. I promise I'm not going anywhere" she says softly. "You better not" I yawn, my body relaxing more against hers. "I'm afraid of the consequences so I will keep my ass right here" she giggles. "That right. Rawr" I roar quietly, I can hear her smile and feel her shake her head. Her arms wrapping comfortably around me as I fall asleep.

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