I've been here for a week now and it's about time for me to leave. I'm prolonging it though, so I have about another week before I HAVE to leave. I go down for breakfast and sit next to Madison, letting my head fall on her shoulder.

"Aww does someone have a hangover" she jokes nudging me. "Push me again and I will light your head on fire" I grumble, she chuckles in response. "I'm never going out with you again" I mutter closing my eyes. "Yeah ok, that's what you said last time. I'm just making up for lost time" she shrugs lightly so I'm not moved too fast.

"Normal people see 'catching up' as talking over a cup of coffee or tea or something" I say quietly. "Well normal people aren't as fun as me" she quips and I decide to just drop the subject. "Someone's in a shit mood" I hear a familiar and very irritating voice say.

I open my eyes to see Tammy sitting next to Cordelia's designated seat. "Fuck off" I say not caring about the consequences of my careless words in the moment. "What did you just say?" She asks in disbelief, "I believe she said, and I quote, fuck off" Madison says giggling.

"Shut up" she says in a stern tone, "don't talk to her like that" I say sitting up quickly. Much to my head's dismay, but I close my eyes and push it away. By this time the girls are flooding the room and taking their seats. "What are you gonna do about it, huh?" The woman says standing up and almost knocking her chair over.

She's been like this since I got here but it's gotten progressively worse. I know why she's acting like this but for fucks sake cause she be an adult? "What are deaf?" She barks at me, "no. Just thinking of all the things I'm going to do about it" I say with a smile. "Alright Cass, take it easy" Queenie says softly taking my arm.

"Yeah Cass, take it easy" Tammy says sarcastically with a smirk on her face. I feel my body heat up as I look at her with anger. I feel tears brim in my eyes which is never a good sign. "What's going on? It's like an inferno in here" Delia says as she enters the room. She looks between me and Tammy but my face has returned to normal by the time she glances my way.

"I'm taking a walk" I say quietly before turning around to leave. "Wait" Delia says grabbing my arm at the door and making me face her. "What happened?" She asks looking worried and confused. "Just... go be with your girlfriend" I say before releasing myself from her grip.

I'm too disoriented to walk so I transmutate to Misty's cabin. I know she's gone, but I still find comfort in being around her stuff. I can still feel the remnants and traces of her energy on everything. Misty has- had a funny way of making everything around her, well her. Whether it be a record player or a pancake, and I have yet to know how she did it.

I walk around the place, running my fingers along the walls before falling onto the bed. "I miss you Misty" I whisper into the empty room. She's the reason I left the academy, well her death that is. I couldn't bear being there without her anymore. It's also the reason I broke up with Cordelia.

I loved her, I love her, the sadness was just too much for me. We were no longer good for each other. It hurts seeing her with someone else, but I'm glad she's happy. Though I have this weird feeling she isn't, I'm not in the place to judge that for her.

I lay down putting my hands on my stomach and intertwining my fingers.


I must've fallen asleep since when I open my eyes it's now dark outside. I groan and turn over to grab my phone from the makeshift nightstand. I scroll through my notifications seeing twitter and Instagram. Then multiple messages from the girls and Delia. Well shit, I mean I've only be gone for... fuck I've been gone for 12 hours.

I sit up just when the door flies open, I put up my hands ready to fight. I put them down and relax as I see Delia. The moonlight casts a glow behind her making her look like an angel. That's another thing I haven't figured out yet. How she can be so... perfect.

"Jesus Cassandra, you scared the shit outta us" she scolds me. She sits next to me with her hands in her lap and I turn to look at her. "Don't call me that..." I say softly, she turns to face me and sighs. "What happened, Cassie" she asks making me smile softly. "She was just pushing me a-" she stopped me putting her hand up.

"Not at the house. With us..." she trails off looking down. "I don't think we should have this conversation. Especially not now... not here" I say. "Then when? Where? I need... something ba- Cassie" she puts her head in her hands resting her elbows on her knees.

Well I guess we're going for it...

A Collection of Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora