I've worked for the FBI for 3 years now, mostly in behavior analysis. I managed to rise into being supervisor of my department which is a big deal. Eventually branching into other divisions to support as well. Marissa and I crossed paths about two years ago.

When I say crossed paths I mean just that. I talked to her briefly about a case she was working on. She was very reluctant and frankly hesitant to consult with me. I got the impression that she thought I didn't have the qualification to help her. It was clear to me that she didn't take me seriously.

However, I proved her wrong and solved the case within 72 hours of receiving the documents. She was impressed but would never admit it. I didn't need her to vocalize it though, it was obvious by her body language. When I brought it to her she dismissed it.

Asking to speak to the head of my department instead. I had said I would get them, turning around as if I was going to leave the room. Only to turn back around with a more 'professional' face and asked her what she needed. She assumed I was joking but I showed her my badge and she was silenced.

I told her she was more than welcome to talk to someone else but that I was her best bet. She then used my approach and was successful. That was the first and last time I ever heard from her. Until four days ago when I got a call from the director.

Yes sir?
Any cases you have, pass them down to the next in line. I have a mission I need you to co-lead.
Ok, sir. May I ask with whom?
Agent Marissa Weigler. She needs to go undercover for reasons I can't disclose at this present time. I need you to accompany her and keep her safe.
Yes sir, I can do that. When are we set to depart?
ASAP. Her bags are already packed and you will meet at the airport. I have you on the same flight a few seats back. You are not to interact with her for 3 days, just observe from afar until you are sure you're not being tailed. Understood?
Of course, sir.
And y/l/n?
I'm trusting you with this because I believe you are the only one I can count on that is qualified for this. In other words, don't fuck it up.
I won't let you down, sir.

After I hung up I delegated my cases based on each agents capabilities. Once that was out of the way I left headquarters and went home. Grabbing my pre-packed bag I always kept for emergencies. Throwing it into my trunk and checking my email for flights. The director sent me an email after he'd seen I logged out of the system.

The flight was set to leave in 2 hours time so I headed to the airport, making sure to change clothes first. I glanced around subtly until my eyes landed on her. I looked around and when I looked back she was looking at me. I nodded at her and took a seat about three sections away.

They called for boarding and I showed them my ticket from my phone. I was let onboard and settled comfortably. Checking to see that I had a good view of her from my seat. She was wearing shades and a long coat in order to disguise her appearance. I smiled to myself a bit even though this is a very serious situation.

She looked so different but her mannerisms were all the same. Though she did seem a bit more internally disheveled than usual. The flight went by without a hitch and we all exited. I made sure I was no closer than 12 feet and I kept my eyes off her as long as possible. Still having to ensure her safety at all times.

The cab ride to the hotel was filled with nerves as I finally realized the task ahead of me. I shook it off by the time we arrived, though, as I had to be alert. I've learned over the years that if I'm panicked, I can't think. I opted to take the stairs as she took the elevator and I ended up being right behind her.

I trailed behind as she entered her room and glanced at me. I unlocked my room which was three doors down across the hall and settled in. Once that was all set I sent an encrypted email to the director. Letting him know we'd both reached safely. I knew I wouldn't get a response but I was expected to check in.

After I fulfilled the last of the days requirements I allowed myself to relax a little. Taking a shower and slipping into bed. I laid my head against the pillow and sighed. I knew how this went from many years spent tracking people undercover. A big chunk of my job being to survey their surroundings and alert them of any potential dangers.

Still, this is my first time ever being in the field for something like this. I'd been on site for homicide cases numerous times. Yet this was entirely different in my opinion. Not only because of the delicacy this required in real time. Also because of who I'd be working in close relation with.

I had the time to look over Marissa's file when I first came across her. Even in the short time I worked with her I could analyze her. After all, it is my job to study people's behavior. She is certainly what you would call a hard nut to crack. Even so, she's also a very easy person to know.

What she likes and doesn't like is written for all to see, well anyone who chooses to. Be that as it may, I still have not found concrete motives for her actions. That alone terrifies me as it makes her unpredictable. Someone who makes, often critical, decisions on a whim is a liability.

This is going to prove to be more than I bargained for. I'm not even sure if I'm in over my head. All I know is I'm here now and I have no choice but to follow through.

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